Chapter 7

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I watched as Adam made me lunch, I didn't know I guy like him would be able to cook. I had imagined some kind of maid or something to make the food. I had no clue what it was going to be, but he said it was a surprise. It had to had passed thirty minutes now and he still wasn't done. Believe me when I said I whined and begged for Adam to hurry up since I was literally starving to death, but all he said was, 'Patience Mari.'

Now playing with my nails, I glanced over at Adam once more, his backed turned to me as he threw various spices inside the pot on the stove. Ten minutes into making it, the food already smelled delicious and I just couldn’t wait to taste!

Finally feeling my stare, Adam turned for a quick second to look at me and then turn back to the pot. “You know Mari, there is a entertainment room for you to keep your mind off eating until I'm done. By the looks of it... I wont be finished until-” His eyes shot to the clock on the wall that I haven't noticed was there, “1:35-ish.”

My jaw dropped to the floor at the last word that came out his mouth. What?! 1:35 is like in two hours! I can't sit here that long without food! “Don't you have any snacks!?” I screeched.

“Nope. Ran out last night, it was also movie night so the guys took well... everything they could find.”

My heart suddenly stopped moving and my eyes widened. No food? “Then how are you making that?”

“Easy. I hide things just in case of an emergency.” He smiled at me with a wink. Adam put a finger to his lips and whispered, “Keep it a secret, just between you and me.”

Suddenly someone's arms wrapped around my shoulder, I turned around to see Max. “Adam, everyone knows where your little hiding spot is so shut up. Hey Mari, i'll show you the entertainment room while Adam is cooking, kay? Those two hours will pass by within seconds, I promise.”

I winced at his words, but tried to hide it. The last time an Alpha promised me something, he didn't keep his word. “O-Okay.” I was hesitant to try and believe him, but the smile on Max's face was irresistible, I just couldn't say no.

He grabbed a hold of my hand and dragged me out of the kitchen. Adam better be done soon!


I was out of breath from laughing too much and my cheeks burned from smiling. Max was hilarious! When he first showed me this room, I thought I wasn't going to like it. The entertainment was filled with the typical mass of video games and systems. The only thing that caught my eye was the ping-pong table. My old pack had one and me and...him, would always play it. It caused some sad memories to fill my head, but I shook them off. I didn't need that now, all I needed was some fun and most of all food!

So Max and I had decided to play ping-pong for a while before he eventually got bored and decided we were going to play video games... Yay! Please note the sarcasm, as I have never once played it before. I just thought it was a waste of time and the way I have seen others play, they seemed addicted. Once they got really into it, it was like everything around them disappeared. Their faces as close to the screen as possible. Yeah maybe im exaggerating a bit, but that's what it looked like.

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