Chapter 16

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Enjoy this chapter guys ;) Chapter 16- going to be short... dedicated to KaykayHowell

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Max's POV (surprise surprise)

After cutting off the mind link with Mari, I sat there in the woods, my thoughts running wild. I couldn't talk to her anymore, just not right now. I was close to the enemy's pack house, and already took out more than half of their guards. But it wasn't just me. The fighters of my pack were here and was battling with the last of the Rift Valley Pack fighters. I knew there was not much left, so I had left everything to my pack. We only had few pack members, maybe about 20, but we were stronger than them.

I started to look for Ray; the only way to pull us out of this war. Kill him and we win. He kills me, they win. It didn't really matter who had the most pack members standing, it was just if the alpha was standing. I just needed to take out their fighters because they could kill my pack, my friends and possibly me, if they had the right plan.

There were times when I actually caught Ray's scent and then suddenly I would lose it. It was almost like he was doing it... purposely. Well he was clever for one thing, and that I had to keep in mind. I always have to on alert for any sudden attacks or movements. You can never be safe in a pack war, there is always trouble lurking inside and outside of territories.

The sun had fallen a couple hours ago and now there was just moon light. The night vision I had worked a lot, it was just like regular. Every thing seemed peaceful as I trotted through the random paths in the woods. Crickets chirped and owls hooted in the trees; like there was nothing to worry about. But that was before I heard the air crackling scream of a someone. When the sound had reached my ears, I had to try not to wince. It wasn't just some ordinary scream though- it was a cry for help.

“Help me! Hel-” The screams were cut off abruptly, but I could hear the faint sounds of whispering and some whimpering in between. Someone was either about to kill someone else, or they were torturing the person. It was meant for me to hear though. I was a silent as could be. Although I probably weighed a ton in my wolf form, I had the footsteps of a small child. It was something I learned from my parents before I ran away from my pack.

To sum up what happened to me a long time ago, the family that I grew up in was a pack full of rogues. The only reason why I had Alpha blood in me, is because my mother's great great grandfather was an Alpha rogue. The strange thing was that, she never had the blood in her, it just passed on to me. That was actually very rare, but it happens.

I didn't realize that I was about a couple yards away from three people that were all huddled around something. One had moved and revealed what they had been hiding, a small wolf. It probably shifted between its pleas of help, so it could heal or fight. I watched closely as the people surrounding the wolf, cursed and kicked at it. “Stupid boy! Didn't your mother tell you to stay inside!” A man yelled, kicking once again at the wolf, who was howling in pain.

“It's okay Johnathan, you can stop. Take him to the pack dungeon where we will torture him...” One of the men said as he patted 'Johnathan' softly on the back. He smiled at the man and sneered at the wolf on the ground. “Shift back, you mutt!”

My eyes narrowed at the man, he was not just some random pack member. Power radiated off of him and it was almost as much as the Alpha's. Recognition suddenly flashed in my mind for who he really was. He was the Rift Valley Pack Beta. His name was not clear in my memory, but I knew it started with a C. I remember seeing him during a meeting that all pack's went to years ago. He was always next to- Ray. Speaking of him, where was he? If the Beta was here, then the alpha ought to be near by, right?

The Alpha's Promise (1st Book of The Alpha Wolves)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora