Behind the mirror

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Wall coloured with light, shooting like sage green or dusty blue…

A woman wearing a white coat by profession,which conceals  her crystalline body …

A man sitting in front of her looked quite stumbered…

Moving a bit closer…

The woman asked him
" Where are you "...

He answers
"the place is inconclusively uncanny "

women :spell it out distinctly?

Men:  make yourself known !

Women: I am known as Lavanya  , you can call me by any relation you want .Tell me ..where you are?.

Men: illumine light falls on my eyes making me half blind , the high rocks which looks ,out of reach of mine , the ground is full of signs which  goes over my mind  , in the front stood a long huge mirror of something rectangular in shape , the sky looks like the whole stars  of galaxy get  at one place . Moreover ,a huge mirror with some signs in it .

Women: signs !! Tell me ….how they look like .

Men: the signs ,   in the walls …but what they indicate ..i don't understand!

The signs are :

Women :
You seem to be a polyglot!
These are the signs written in different languages .
jīvanam in Sanskrit means' life '.
પાછળ in gujarati means 'behind '.
আয়না in bengali means 'mirror'.
But what is this indicating?
"Life behind mirror "
What ….!

According to science, it's all about reflection. however;how life can exist behind the mirror.
Are you pretty sure ;these words are written?

Men: I tell , what I see..if you don't believe…don't bother me …

Women:no !.. I was not telling that ..i  accept and believe in  what you say…..(she is speaking something)

Men (suddenly he spoke ): I can see  you !

Women (confused): me …are you sure !

Men : yes! are standing in front of me  .

Women: how I look!

Men: a girl standing at some distance from me , wearing a black atter like her(telling about another girl).Her hairs are coiled like wire and gazing at me with her unintelligible bright eyes ..but she looks somewhat confused .

Is this you !?

Women : (with a smile ,telling a lie of minimization ) you described me well..!you said that I am wearing a black atter like her.
Whom… are you comparing me with?

Men: the one I know  ..but don't want to recognise .

Women:whom!?..tell me .

Men: Look ! The light is becoming extremely bright and bright, so as to blind the eyes .
..and there's compulsion pulling me
towards the huge mirror.

After some  quietude….

Men held the hand of women and ran behind the mirror ..

What was that …

a ghastly colossal barrier looking like lychgate,extremely..frantic;demonic holding glumness hidden deep..
Look upon the men ..


The sound comes from the surroundings, looks almost paranormal
" Haha the miser humans ..ooh tiny just like the little light of stars .You ,the man with short  hair, bright

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