Chapter 19

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(Losin Control By Russ)

Emerald's Pov

"Hello?" My voice came out as a whisper before I started walking back to the kitchen. The line stayed quiet for a second before a loud laugh was heard on the other line.

"Where's Punz?" I heard a girl in the background ask, while I held the phone up to my ear, searching for something to eat.

"Where's Luke, Emerald?" The man's voice came out in a laugh.

"Luke is asleep right now." I opened a cabinet then closed it quickly.

"How do you know my name?" A confused expression took over my face and I heard a laugh on the other line.

"He talks about you a lot. Plus, I was still around four years ago when you left. I know everything. I guess he was right, they always come back." He laughed as the girl's voice got closer to the phone.

"Where's my uncle? I need to see if he will let me paint his car." The dots started to connect in my head and I laughed.

"You straight piped his car?" I laughed, sitting on the counter with my legs swinging in the air.

"Yes! Does it still sound good? He didn't break it did he?" The girl's voice got louder, so I assumed she took the phone which caused me to smile.

"It still sounds good. He needs new seats though, his are so old." I heard her laugh through the phone and the guy in the background sigh.

"I'm Skylar!"

"I'm Emerald."

"Luke's girlfriend." The guy said in the background and Skylar gasped.

"I did not know he swung for woman. He's never batted an eye towards anyone." She exclaimed with a happy squeal.

"Because of her, Sky. They've been in this weird relationship for like five years. Get with the program."

"I was 14 then. Give me a break."

"Anyways, I was calling to tell him thanks." The boy's voice took the phone back and I heard Skylar let out an annoyed groan.

"Nick, you're an asshole."

"I know it meant a lot to him helping you. He panicked when you texted him. I know he worries about you a lot." I smiled at my words, and the line went quiet.

"It's been a rough couple of months, but he's really helping me get through it. He's amazing."

"If you keep talking like that, I might start to think that you're in love with him." I laughed, and Nick's laugh sounded out on the phone.

"You're a girl that doesn't know me. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." The line went quiet for a moment and I got nervous.

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