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(Shivers By Netrum & Halvorsen)

Emerald's Pov 

I tied my skates tighter as I waited for Victoria to come off the ice and stop performing. She was amazing, there was no denying it. The purple sparkly outfit was short, but looked amazing. My hair was in a slicked back bun, while there was glitter in my hair.

"Are you ready, Emmy?" Lauren asked me, and I nodded my head. Victoria is really good, but I also grew up and matured.

I looked up in the stands and my eyes caught Luke who was sitting there with Nick. Luke flew him out because he thought I would like having the support since June or Aunt Mel couldn't make it. He was right, Nick was the funniest and most supportive person ever.

"Now taking the ice, your defensive champion, Emerald Emrani!" The way my skates always sounded on the ice made me shiver. I loved that sound.

I started at one end of the rink because this song was fast, I would need to gain a lot of speed to pull this off.

"You got this Emerald!" Lauren shouted, and stood up on the bleachers. Victoria gave her a dirty look but Lauren didn't care, I was her student first. Shivers ran down my spine as the cool breeze hit me.

"Let's go Emerald!" Nick yelled, causing me to smile as I got into my starting position.

Once the music started, I almost doubted that I could do this. As I skated down the ice gaining speed, I felt nervous, but I was confident in myself and my skills.

And with being friends with Victoria. I knew her biggest weakness in skating. So as I skated around the corner, I hit a triple axel, and Lauren cheered. As the chorus hit, I skated on one foot, leaning forward so that my feet were parallel. And as the music started to get to the end of the song, I stopped quickly, having the ice shavings fly out from behind me.

"Your defensive champion, Emerald Emrani!" I bowed as flowers were thrown onto the ice. Lauren ran out and hugged me like always as I caught my breath.

"That was amazing! I was so nervous that you were gonna pull it off, it's such a quick song."

All of the skaters gathered on the ice after they cleaned it. This would either make me, or break me.

"And your Champion that will be going to the Olympics is..." The announcer stopped speaking, causing me to freak. I felt like I was going to puke.

"Emerald Emrai!" I jumped up and down as Lauren ran out to hug me. We fell to the floor and started crying. 

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