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Eleanor was scowling the entire time that she walked around the house with Gamora.

Peter had pushed her away to spend "quality one on one" time with Ego. She felt a little annoyed because she too wanted to know more about Ego - her grandfather - and Meredith - her grandmother. But she couldn't, because Peter wouldn't allow her to.

Gamora pushed open a door, after hearing Drax and Mantis talking on the other side. She gave them both a look, "What's going on?"

"This gross bug lady is my new friend." replied Drax, turning to look at her and Eleanor.

Mantis looked too, "I'm learning many things, like I'm a pet and ugly." she smiled.

"You're not ugly," Gamora gave her a small smile back, "Drax!"

He pulled a face, "What are you talking about?"

"Mantis," interrupted Gamora, and Eleanor sighed, "can you show us where we'll be staying?"

Mantis started to lead the three across the planet. Eleanor kept her hand held out feeling the plants as she walked along. "Why are there no other beings on this planet?" Gamora asked Mantis.

She smiled, "The planet is Ego. A dog would not invite a flea to live on his back."

"And you're not a flea?"

Mantis turned her head to Gamora, "I'm a flea with a purpose. I help him sleep."

Gamora stepped in front of her, "What were you about to say to Drax before Eleanor and I walked out?"

Mantis' eyes grew wider, and she gulped looking back nervously at Eleanor and Drax. Eleanor cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at her, "Nothing," she muttered, "Your quarters are this way."

Gamora gave Drax and Eleanor a look which read that she was suspicious of Mantis. Eleanor gave her a small nod and the three followed after Mantis.

Peter joined them at the sleeping quarters. Eleanor was still salty with him for leaving her out, so she scowled at him when he spoke, "So I guess this could all be mine someday."

Eleanor scoffed and Peter narrowed his eyes at her. On his other side, Gamora kept trying to radio Rocket, "Rocket? Rocket, are you there?" she sighed in frustration as there was silence on the other end. Peter and Eleanor turned to look at her and Eleanor's eyes widened in horror as Peter glided over to Gamora, wrapping his arms around her.

"What are you doing, Peter?" Gamora asked, and Peter moved his head over to the other side of her head. "Dance with me." he replied.

"I'm not going to dance with you."

Peter continued, "This is Sam Cooke... one of the greatest Earth singers of all time. Plus, do it for Els. She's annoyed with me right now."

He took her hands by throwing her device onto the chair and led her to the middle of the balcony. Eleanor carefully seated herself on the side and made sure that she couldn't slip and fall. Peter started to sway to the music and slowly Gamora moved her hand to his shoulder, and she started to sway too. Eleanor gave a small smile as she remembered dancing with her dad when she was younger.

Eight-year-old Eleanor stood on her dad's feet to try and give her some height compared to Peter. He held her small hands and started to gently move around in a circle. He lifted one foot and Eleanor's almost slipped off but she kept it on top of her dad's and smiled when he placed it back on the floor. She giggled as they span, and then Peter picked her up telling her that he was tired and dizzy.

Peter slowly raised his arm and Gamora did a small twirl. Eleanor pretended to clap as Gamora twirled back into Peter's arms. She did a wolf-whistle as they stared into each other's eyes and she giggled when Peter gave her a loving stare. They started to talk to each other as they span however Eleanor couldn't hear their conversation and Peter was thankful for that because if she could, she probably would have been making fun of him.

Gamora pushed him away, and Eleanor frowned, "What we should be discussing right now is something about this place," she walked over and picked up the device again, "It doesn't feel right."

"What are you talking about?" Peter asked, "You're the one who wanted me to come here!"

Eleanor hopped off the balcony and followed the two inside. Gamora continued to talk, "That girl, Mantis, she's afraid of something!"

"Why are you trying to take this away from me?"

"Dad, she's not! There's something weird about this place!" Eleanor added, and Peter turned to her with a glare.

"You, shut up! You've done nothing but be annoyed with me since we got here!" Peter yelled, and Eleanor bit her lip, fighting back tears. Her dad had never really yelled at her before, "He's my father. He's our blood. I thought you would be interested in getting to know him."

"You have blood on Earth and you never wanted to return there." argued Gamora, as she felt sorry for the young girl.

"Again, you made me come here! And Earth is the place where my mother died in front of me."

"No," Gamora continued, "it's because that place is real, and this is a fantasy."

"This is real!" Peter yelled, "I'm only half human, remember?"

"That's the half I'm worried about," replied Gamora, "and that's the half that just screamed at El."

"Oh, I get it. You're jealous because I'm part-god, and you like when I'm the weak one."

Eleanor glared at him. Gamora also did, "You were insufferable to begin with. I haven't been able to reach Rocket. I'm gonna go outside and I'm gonna try and get a signal. If you're lucky, maybe your daughter will talk to you."

"You know what? This is not Cheers after all! This is whatever the show is where one person is willing to open themselves up to new possibility, and the other person is a jerk who doesn't trust anybody! It's a show that doesn't exist. That's why it would get zero ratings!"

"I don't know what Cheers is!" Gamora yelled back.

"I finally found my family. Don't you understand that?"

"You already had." Gamora replied, nodding at Eleanor who sat cross-legged on the sofa with silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

Gamora left the room, leaving an angry Peter and a heartbroken Eleanor.

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