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A Ravager passed out six red suits to everyone except Groot. He was going to stay in the ship by Rocket's side as he was too large for the mission. Eleanor was going to be perfect as she was a skinny girl, quite short for her age also.

"What are these?" Drax asked, as the Ravager chucked his at him.

"OrgoCorp uniforms," explained the head Ravager, "You're gonna have to wear these to move through the Orgo without attracting attention." Peter nodded.

"This isn't my colour," Drax complained, and Eleanor nudged him sharply. He looked at her, "What?"

The head Ravager walked over to him, "What did you say?"

"It clashes with my eyes."

All the Ravagers started to laugh, and the red alien created a laughing emoji with his hands. Eleanor was a little scared of him.

Eleanor headed straight for a changing room.

"Gamora, we are grateful for your help." Mantis said.

Gamora looked over at her, "Oh, I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart," she replied, "I'm doing this for the hundred thousand units my sister promised."

Eleanor slipped her baggy trousers off and pulled the legs of the red suit up. She slipped off her hoodie and her blue-white stripy top and pulled the suit over her top half. She zipped the suit up.

Eleanor was in a purple space-suit. Drax was red; Nebula was green; Mantis was orange; Peter was yellow; and Gamora was blue. The group of six dived towards the fleshy planet.

"There," Gamora pointed, "That's the decompression chamber."

"Lock in," replied Peter, and everyone pressed a button on their suits that fired a red laser to the surface, "Go," the six used the air in the suits to push them towards the surface. Eleanor hated the feel of the squidgy flesh under her feet as she bounced alongside her dad, "Activate gravity boots and gloves."

Eleanor pressed the buttons on her space-suit and landed on her feet on the planet. She pretended to barf at the squidge. Peter gave her an annoyed look and she grinned back at him.

"Nebula, go."

Her hand formed into a laser and she knelt down to break open the layer. Eleanor copied her dad and Gamora as they knelt down also. She spotted him pressing a button on his suit and then his voice started to speak, "So, you really don't remember anything?"

"Like what?" Gamora replied.

"'Bout your time with us."

Gamora shook her head, "No." Eleanor stared sadly at the floor, and then disgustedly looked up into space, forgetting how much she hated the look of this planet.

"Huh, we were-"

"We weren't anything."

"You and me, and Eleanor was like our daughter."

"That person was some alternate future version of me," replied Gamora. Eleanor blinked back the tears. If this Gamora could understand that, why couldn't Peter? "It wasn't me."

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