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"Hey," Eleanor opened her eyes to see her father standing above her, holding a hand out for her, "We're back, Els. Somehow."

"Somehow." she repeated, taking his hand. He pulled her up to her feet, and dusted off her clothes.

She frowned, and let out a sob as Peter pulled her close, breathing in her familiar scent, "I thought I lost you, Dad."

"Me too, bean," he ran his hand through her hair, "Me too."

"I'm so glad you're okay." she sobbed, her bottom lip quivering. Her tears started to slow down as she felt her dad's warm embrace. He was here. He was fine. They were all fine.

"I'm sorry to break up this intense moment," Eleanor and Peter looked over to see Teddy edging himself towards the two, "But the magician man seems to be needing us all."

"Teddy!" Eleanor yelled, breaking away from Peter's embrace and she threw her arms around the Parker boy, "You're okay!"

He smiled and wrapped his arms back around the girl, "Hi, Ellie, I missed you."

"I thought you said the wizard man needed us." Peter said, breaking the two up and walking through the middle of them. Eleanor rolled her eyes whilst grinning and the two caught up with Peter.

"We've been gone for five years. Stark managed to build a time machine and they got all the Infinity Stones and snapped us back," Strange explained, "They need our help against Thanos in this final battle. We need to help them, and we need to get all the help we can get, but don't worry. I've got that sorted."

A yellow portal appeared to their right, and a tall, dark-skinned man wearing a bird costume nodded through, "I'm ready, Strange."

The wizard man nodded, and he started to make as many portals as he could as fast as he could. Eleanor quickly walked out alongside Drax and Teddy. She looked up to her left and smiled as her dad flew through the portal, landing a little in front of Mantis. The younger Peter swung out fully dressed in his spider-suit, landing on a rock in front of the older Peter.

Eleanor swiftly looked to her right to hear chanting coming the portal next to hers. "Oh, wow!" she muttered in delightful surprise as an entire army emerged.

Her smile widened when she saw Groot walking out of the portal next to her, holding a gun in his small twig arms. He was okay! Many other people joined for the battle. Eleanor didn't know who any of them were, but she was glad that they had each other's back. A loud rumbling sound made her whip her head back to the left as the building next to her started to crumble, and a massive man in a weird looking suit emerged, placing his hand down to let the much smaller people jump safely onto the ground. She smiled again when she spotted Rocket. Her family were okay.

Her smile quickly faded when she thought about Gamora. Her eyes eagerly searched through the crowd, hoping to see the green woman's smile one more time but she wasn't there. Eleanor wiped her eyes. She needed to be strong. She needed to replace her sadness for anger.

"Avengers!" she heard the man dressed like the American flag yell. A massive hammer flew back into his hand. She didn't hear the rest of his sentence, but Thor's yelling gave her all the clues she needed.

The crowd surged forwards, running towards the monsters and beasts and aliens Thanos had recruited to his side. Everybody yelled as they ran head first into the fight. Thanos' children were the first to run as soon as Thanos pointed his purple fist towards the oncoming Avengers. The rest of the army followed shortly.

Eleanor's heart was beating loudly against her ribs, but she ignored it and started to shoot at the creatures, standing next to Groot. Hell, she had missed him so much. The tree smiled across at the girl. "Missed you." she said, and he nodded, "I am Groot." Eleanor gave him a smile back. He had missed her too.

A horn blared through the sounds of people fighting, "What? Why is there an ice cream truck here?" Eleanor asked, as she shot at another monster.

"I am Groot."

"No, Groot, you can't get an ice cream when we're done." Eleanor sighed.

Eleanor started to shriek as bombs rained down on the battlefield. She and Groot got blasted away behind a rock, and Rocket scurried over to them, trying to protect the two with his small body. He yelled out, hugging onto the other two, and the bombs suddenly stopped. Eleanor opened her eyes and looked up. The guns on the ships turned up and started to shoot at something in the sky. She gave a little smile as whatever was powering through the sky crashed into Thanos' ships, causing them to fall to the ground.

"Oh, yeah!" Rocket yelled delighted.

The thing in the sky was a woman. Eleanor's mouth dropped as she saw the breath-takingly good-looking woman land on the ground with a golden glow around her. She smiled down at the younger Parker.

"Welp, I'll be back guys," Eleanor told the raccoon and the tree as she spotted all the other women surrounding the new one, "I think there's some sort of women's only group I didn't know about."

She leapt over a small rock, landing near to someone familiar. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the green woman she had been mourning, "Gamora?"

The woman looked over giving her a confused look as they started to walk, "Sorry? Do I know you?" Nebula, who was beside her gave Eleanor a sad glance, "Yeah, you did."

"Never mind," Eleanor muttered, focusing back on her task, "That's a shit load of aliens right there."

She started to shoot at the creatures from a safe distance as the new woman powered through. Eleanor's grin grew wide, "Go on! Ow, shit." she shot at the monster who leapt at her.

She continued to shoot at the monsters so she didn't see the massive explosion or the new woman dropping the gauntlet on the ground.

Her jaw dropped open as the monsters around her started to dust away. Then, her mind switched back on. "Dad." she breathed out, panic lacing her voice. She started to search through the crowd for his face.

"Dad!" she yelled, running towards him.

She could of seen his smile from the moon, "Bean!" he yelled, wrapping his arms tightly around her once again. She pressed her head into his chest, breathing in his scent deeply, "Are you okay? Have you been hurt? Also, don't go near that new Gamora - she's mean. She kneed me in a place that shouldn't be kneed."

"Yes, and no, and I've already seen her, and what?" she said, laughing after, "Did she knee you in the balls, Dad?"

Peter looked annoyed, "Yeah. She did," then his face softened, "You already have seen her? What happened?"

"She, uh, she didn't remember me," Eleanor sniffed, trying to not let herself cry again, "But it's fine, eh, I've got you and the others."

"It's okay to cry, Els," Peter told her, "You loved her."

"So did you, Dad, and you're not crying."

"I did when she kneed me."


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