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Eleanor fell out of the ship along with Gamora, Drax and Mantis.

Somehow, they all landed in a circle, with Eleanor next to Drax and Mantis. She immediately turned and watched the small ship try to escape from the shooting enemy ships. She cocked her head to the side, "Ego's ships?" she asked Gamora, who shook her head.

"Sovereign ships."

Eleanor looked to the floor in panic as lines of blue started to light up and darken, looking like veins in the centre of his body.

"He's coming." Mantis said.

Drax turned his head to her, "Didn't you say you could make him sleep?"

"When he wants. He's too powerful. I can't!"

"You don't have to believe in yourself," commented Drax, "because I believe in you!"

Mantis crouched down and reached towards one of his veins, "Sleep!"

All of the blue disappeared, "I don't know how long I can hold him!" Mantis yelled.

Eleanor followed Gamora, who decided that Mantis and Drax would be fine together, and so they could be of some help in the battle with the Sovereign ships. As they were shooting at the ships, Peter flew over to them.

"Gamora? Eleanor?" he yelled, "Do you have any tape?"

"Huh?" Gamora yelled back at him.


"Huh?" Gamora yelled again.

Peter sighed, "Never mind! Ow!"

 He flew into some rock and Eleanor pinched her arm to stop her from laughing.

All of the Sovereign ships stopped shooting at the little ship that held Yondu, Nebula and now Peter. The head woman of the Sovereign started to speak through her ship, "Guardians... perhaps it will provide you solace that your deaths are not without purpose. They will serve as a waning to all of those tempted with betraying us. Don't screw with the Sovereign."

Even though the ships started to shoot again, Eleanor couldn't help but snort at her last comment as a teenage girl.

Multiple red lasers from her ship started to blast at the Sovereign ships. Eleanor smiled, as the enemy ships started to fall in flames around her. Her smile quickly faded when the ship that held her dad, Yondu and Nebula on it exploded.

"Peter! No!" Gamora yelled, as Eleanor covered her mouth.

Nebula landed on the ground, staring across at the two. Then, she slowly looked up and the two followed after her. Eleanor removed her hands from her mouth as she spotted her dad and Yondu floating down.

"I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!" Yondu yelled, and Eleanor giggled at that.

She and Gamora walked over to them. They were near Mantis and Drax, and Rocket flew up from the surface. That was almost all of them - the team was only missing baby Groot who was somewhere near Ego's core with the bomb that Rocket had made.

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