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The group were now going down in the lift. Gamora was still pointing the gun at Ura. Eleanor was standing awkwardly in the middle of Peter and Gamora, trying to not let her red suit touch either of them.

"I'm so sorry about this, Ura." Peter said, leaning to talk in her ear.

"Oh, please!" Gamora said, glaring at Peter.

"We're here to save the life of our friend, that is all," continued Peter, "We paid her to help us get in and get out," he stared at Gamora around Eleanor, who sighed, rolling her eyes, "You'd think that'd mean, 'Oh, I'm gonna help you do it in a way that no one knows it's happening'," Gamora glared at him, "But no, what she means is, 'I'm gonna shoot people. Threaten people's lives.'"

"Shut up!"

"And I know you're probably asking, why would I trust her?" Peter still continued, causing Eleanor to sigh again, "How long is this bloody lift?" she muttered as Peter started to talk again, "Well, that's a good question. The answer is, we used to be in love. Yeah. She was my girlfriend, only she doesn't remember it, because it wasn't her. Because her dad threw her off a magic cliff, and she died, and then I lost my temper and nearly destroyed half the universe," he threw the ball up in the air and caught it, "Then she came back, out of the past. And there she is. Everyone else who died in the past stayed dead, not her. Why? Was it the magic cliff? I don't know. I'm not some fricking Infinity Stone scientist. Just some dumbass Earth dude with a kid who met another girl, fell in love, that girl died, and then came back a total dick."

Ura looked over to Nebula. "He left out some important information, but that is the gist of it." Nebula added.

Just before the lift door opened, Gamora grabbed Ura's head and Peter started to shock everyone around him. He chucked the ball over to Eleanor, who pulled a face as she touched the yellow slime.

"Eleanor, go with Gamora to the security hub!" Nebula yelled, and Eleanor rolled her eyes, jogging over to the green woman.

"Don't..." Gamora said, "Don't be like your father, please. I really don't want to hear the same thing from some... kid."

"One, I'm actually nineteen. Not a kid," Eleanor replied in a snarky manner, "And two, I don't even want you to be in my life. I hadn't even got over other you's death when you appeared." Gamora seemed satisfied with that answer.

"Everybody down on the floor or we blow your brains out!" yelled Gamora as she and Eleanor and the hostage woman entered the small building.

"Hey, hey, hey, we don't want any..." started a different woman. Gamora shot her in the leg.

Eleanor slowly looked over at her, "Can we stop shooting people?" she yelled as the woman started to scream.

Eleanor looked out the door to see Drax lying on the floor with a massive wound in his chest. The others were kneeling on the floor with their hands up. She rushed over to the woman they had held hostage.

"Ura, please," Eleanor said to the girl, as fake tears started to cloud her eyes. As Eleanor still looked small, she hoped that a distressed-looking child was enough to guilt her, "I'm so sorry about all this, but we need to get out of here with this. We need to save my friend's life. I really don't want him to die, I need him. We need him. I need to get into the system to speak to those people. I know deep down that they are good people, like you."

The guards quickly approached the building and started to shoot as Ura approached the desk. Gamora yelled out as the bullets echoed through the building. "You are in," Ura said, looking at Eleanor with her wide eyes, "Tell them your truth."

"Yeah, I'm not an idiot," Eleanor smirked, sitting down, "I just needed to get into the system," Gamora gave a small smirk. Eleanor started to press the buttons hoping to see something to help them, "Bingo," she whispered, pressing a button that programmed for all of the guards' suits to start floating, and she smiled chucking the ball up in the air and catching it, "Oh, my god," she muttered, pulling a distressed face, "I'm becoming my dad."

The group walked towards the ship port, watching as the Bowie came crashing into the building. Peter smiled over at Eleanor, "I'm so proud of you." Eleanor scowled, "I was you for a second. That's sad." Peter pretended to be hurt, "Ouch." he frowned.

The ship slid to a slow stop, turning slightly.

"I am Groot?" Groot smiled at them from the front of the ship.

Nebula raised the comms to her slightly bleeding mouth, "Yeah, that looked cool."

The group helped Drax up as Eleanor ran to the Med-Bay to get another Med-Pak. They placed it on his chest and Eleanor got a flashback to Rocket as the ship started to fly away, but luckily Drax was fine.

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