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She spoke in her own language to her two small children, and their eyes widened when they spotted Eleanor and Peter enter their house. Just before their mother closed the door, Eleanor gave them a small smile and wave. The bat woman held her arm out towards her dining room and Eleanor slowly walked there as she was first in the line, as the woman spoke to her husband.

Eleanor pulled out a chair and sat down, sighing blissfully as she leant back. Peter nudged her with his elbow. "What?" she asked, looking over at him annoyed. The bat woman shut the curtains as many other animals crowded on her front lawn trying to get a glimpse of the humans.

"It's rude." hissed Peter quietly.

"Oh, it's rude to be thankful for a chair, is it?" Eleanor mocked, sitting up straight on the chair.

Peter rolled his eyes as Drax lay down on the sofa.

"I'm sorry! He can do that, when I can't lean back on a chair!" Eleanor complained.

"I am Groot." Groot came to Eleanor's defence.

Drax looked up at him, "It's not rude. It's what it's here for."

"Drax, sit up!" Nebula added, "Idiot."

Peter looked up at the bat woman, "Thank you."

She replied in her language, and sat down in the extra chair next to Eleanor. The bat man handed out canned water and glasses to everyone sitting down. "Thank you!" Peter said, loudly, and Eleanor just smiled, picking the can up.

She popped open the can and poured the blue liquid into the glass. She took a drink as Peter tried to explain to the bat woman, "Our friend... he's dying. Uh..." he pointed over to Nebula, who showed them a picture from her robotic arm. The woman leaned in to take a closer look, "We love our friend," he eyed Eleanor up as she took a big slurp from her glass, "But he is dying."

Mantis imitated choking, sticking her tongue out to the side. Eleanor gave her a side glance, silently judging her.

"That's not dying," commented Nebula, "That's already dead. They'll think he's already dead."

"They'll think we're here on a quest for revenge." Drax added, and he had secretly laid back down again.

"Drax, sit up!" Nebula yelled again.

"That's what it's here for!"

"Drax, it isn't." Peter added.

"And I'm not allowed to lean back in my chair." Eleanor muttered, taking another sip of her water.

"It's made for people to sit shoulder to shoulder right next to each other," continued Peter, "Get your boots off her pillows."

"I find it hard to believe it doesn't have multiple purposes." complained Drax as he waved his arms around whilst sitting up.

"I'm sorry," Peter apologised to the bat woman, "My friend is a dumbass."

Mantis groaned lightly, still sticking her tongue out.

"Oh, my." muttered Eleanor as Nebula spoke, "Mantis, that's the same as your dying impression!"

"Why do you criticise everything?" Mantis yelled.

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