Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 20

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Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Twenty

A short while later, Scarlet had dozed off in her mate's arms. He held her close the whole time, rocking the girl in silence.

Inching her cradled body back, his eyes trailed over her gorgeous features. He loved her. He loved her with every fiber of his being if not more. It tore him up that he would soon be leaving, but he had too.

While she slept in his grip, he pondered long and hard on how he was going to go about his department. He wanted to have her by his side, he did, but there was no telling what could happen while they were gone. He knew that if he went out, and another species saw both of them together, it could go terribly wrong.

He would protect her with his all, but he hadn't any idea what enemies were out there and what power they possessed. If he didn't take her, she would be at the cave, alone; vulnerable.

His eyes squeezed shut with frustration.

"Dargon . . ."

They opened as soon as he heard the voice. Looking over, he met two blue eyes, which peered down at Scarlet. "She has gotten so big . . ." The female whispered, welcoming herself in.

Dargon's eyes lit up. Of course!

"Maria," He said softly. She gave him a questioning look. "Yes?"

"There is something very important I must attend too . . . But it would involve leaving her here on her own . . ." He looked down at Scarlet lovingly, and swept her hair from out of her face. "She needs someone to stay with her . . . Please . . ." He looked up at the Luna. "Please, watch her."

"Dargon . . ."

"Maria, I am begging you to watch over my mate for me in my absence. No one else can do it,"

She looked back down at the girl. Scarlet was smiling softly in her sleep. Maria took note of all the new changes that happened while she was out. Scarlet's skin had gained some color. Her hair had lengthened. She was not nearly as small as she was in their care, and the marks that was caused by Sin and the pack were barely there.


"Dargon, I still have a pack and a mate to go back too. I can't stay with her."

His expression dropped into a deep frown.

. . .

"However . . ." She sighed after a moment of silence. "I will make sure she is not touched . . . When are you leaving?"

"Tonight!" He blurted suddenly.

Scarlet stirred in her sleep, causing both Dargon and Maria to hold their breath. She parted her eyes drowsily and turned her head the opposite way on his warm chest, closing them again whilst falling back into her slumber. Both exhaled in relief.

"So you will do it for me?" Dargon asked hopefully.

"I will. As long as you promise me you will come back to this girl alive." She said firmly, holding out a hand for his.

He looked at it hesitantly, before placing his much larger one into it. " . . . Deal."

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