Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 47

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A/N: Got wifi back, again. >.> Money's tight right now. Sigh. Well, I'm gonna work on this chapter. :3
- May 30, 2:33 PM

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Forty Seven

~Seven Weeks~

"I hate this, I hate this, I hate this! And you know what? I hate you too!" Tears brimmed Scarlet's eyes as she jabbed a finger into Dragon's chest. He knew she didn't mean what she were saying, but the hormones of her pregnancy were attacking her.

He grabbed her hand softly and tugged her down on the bed with him. "Shh,"

"No, I want them out, Dargon. Right here, right now!" She whined.

"I can't do that,"

"Yes, you can." She sat up. "I'm gonna get on my back and you're gonna reach in and-"

His eyes widened, and he shook his head, pulling himself up to cover her mouth. "Stop, Beloved. You don't know what you're talking about. You're almost to where you're supposed to be. Just a little longer, and it'll all be better. I promise," He smiled at her and she huffed out, tears falling down her face. Wiping them away she crossed her arms and swung her legs off the bed. "I'm not talking to you," She pouted, and his eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean you're not talking to me? I didn't do anything . . ." He was baffled. Was this what it was like to be amongst a soon-to-be-mother?

"You got me pregnant!" She got up.


She threw a hand up. Falling back on the bed, he sighed. Two more weeks. He had to remind himself that he only had to wait two more weeks.


Scarlet set the pink plush bear down into the crib, then a similar blue one on the opposite end. The nursery was complete. The house was straightened up. She'd gotten into a nesting stage, something many expecting females tended to do as they reached their due date. It was excessively cleaning and preparing their home for the new arrivals.

She was almost eight weeks now. A couple days from now she would be. She'd defied the odds, and she was ecstatic about it. She turned around to gaze at the rest of the nursery. Purple and green dots speckled the white walls. A banner hung at the entrance, above the door, that said: Its A Boy - It's A Girl - It's TWINS!

Silk ribbons were pinned all over the room, differentiating the two sexes yet meshing together perfectly. Empty picture frames were hung. They would seem contain the images of their perfect little pups. A changing table was in the corner of a room, with a rocking chair not too far.

Other decorations speckled the area. She couldn't help but smile. It fell seconds after though, when her body seemed to lock up. Her eyes squeezed shut. She gripped her stomach and inhaled deeply. These feelings. What were they called? Contractions? She'd been feeling them. Way too soon as she'd now learned. Perhaps they were what the humans called, Braxton Hicks.

She didn't know. These were all new firsts for her. They felt intense. They'd been getting more frequent.

"Ah!" Pain surged through her, her legs felt weak. She wanted to call for Dargon but he weren't here. He said he had something to do. She knew he wasn't far. She still smelled his scent, and it wasn't just lingering, it was present. She could easily go out to find him. He was in walking distance. She knew if she cried out loud enough, he'd hear. But she didn't want to bother him at the same time.

She found the energy to drag herself over to the chair, where fresh tears formed in her eyes. Whimpering, she held her stomach, and prayed the pain would go away.

But it only got worse.


"Destructive beasts.... Capable of death. Slaughter machines," Nicola read. Dargon was seated in one of the chairs of her home. His elbows were on his knees, and his hands cupped his face. He tried to steady his breathing but it seemed impossible. He listened closely to her every word. "Are you telling me . . . That my children . . ." He closed his eyes. He didn't know what to say. Nicola continued to skim through the book, old, almost ancient. How she got a hold of it, Dargon didn't know. But she did promise him she'd do everything to get him answers. She looked a little more lively, her skin wasn't as pale. She looked a tad bit more . . . Rejuvenated. He knew she'd fed on her endeavor. And not on just animals. She'd let herself go. He hated that he'd messed up her diet, but it was within reason.

"Dargon, right here it talks about multiples,"

He looked up. His attention was hooked.

She read through the fading words.

'Demons, they are. Hybrid devils. As if one isn't enough. The longer the beasts' Beholder carries them, the more space is limited. The Hybrids will do what they do best, they will strike. First on one another, then on the mother herself.

Kill them.'

She closed the book, and got up. "We need to go,"

A weird feeling rose in Dargon's stomach. He placed his hand there, and groaned quietly. Something wasn't right. Face scrunched into discomfort, he glanced at her again. "Go where?" The feeling in his stomach intensified. His world suddenly shook, and he heard something terrifying.

'Dargon! Please, Dargon! I need you!'

Scarlet begged for his return, over and over he heard her cry. Nicola's ears picked up on the frightening wail. The twins.

They were coming.


Completed: May 30, 2017 - 3:35 PM



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