Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 43

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A/N: Completed Saturday, 7:34 PM

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Forty Three

"So, how do you feel?" Nicola asked, smiling beautifully at the young girl.

"Shocked . . ." Scar uttered, his eyes flickering around into the empty air of nothingness. She wasn't aware what she was feeling right now. Elated, scared . . . Empowered.

"And you, Daddy?" Nic glanced at Dargon, who was still a little pale and looked quite absent minded.

"Um . . . Undergoing a small phase of, motion sickness." He fell back into the chair behind him, located against the wall next to the entrance of the room Scar's ultrasound had been performed in.

"I think that's called Disbelief. Its normal. I mean, this is the first pregnancy you've encountered where the baby is yours and you've just found out its two. Its okay, Dargon. Everything will be fine. I've had so many moms come in here expecting multiples. Its rocky in the beginning but everything smooths over. You must be patient."

She didn't understand. Dargon rose abruptly, his long legs carrying him across the room. His fingers wrapped around her, cold, pale, arm, and he jerked her along with him out the door. "Ill be back, Beloved." He gave her a tiny, faint, smile before leading her out to the hallway. He pulled the door closed behind him and all but slung Nicola in front of him, releasing his grip. She seemed baffled, and she rubbed her arm softly. "Ouch . . ."

"Nic, these kids aren't just shifters. They are hybrids."


"So twins can impact a mom in overwhelmingly, intense ways being a regular Shifter in general. Its dangerous. The body wasn't meant to carry more than one child at a time."

Nicola's eyes furrowed, and she raised a finger to jam it into his temple. "Stop talking stupid and be logical about this. You know good and well your species was built to hold duplicates and more. You aren't a regular breed! You're not like the lousy humans!"

He turned his head, and she gripped his chin. "Look at me, when I'm talking to you, Dargon."

His dark eyes met hers.

"Everything is going to be okay . . . I know what you're thinking . . . And I know you're fearful of the unknown. You have two species mashed together. Your mate is expecting and both genes are surely coursing through their veins. Their blood is special, unique. Not much has surfaced about this . . . Occurrence. You have no information and you're worried about Scarlet's wellbeing. I understand where you're coming from, Dargon. Please believe me when I say that. You aren't alone though . . . I promised your parents I would do everything in my power to make sure you got what you needed and if what you need is answers don't doubt me when I say I can get them for you . . ."

Dargon squeezed his eyes shut, wet droplets streaking down his cheeks. He knew by all means that Nicola was guaranteeing him a promise. He also knew that giving her permission to do such a thing would ruin the decades she'd spent working towards a recovery of not harming the humans. She'd maintained a violence free demeanor for so long. If brute force was what it took to penetrate the barriers of this 'Taboo' and discover its secrets, she would do it. She would do anything for him. All he had to do was ask.

Confirm that he truly wanted enlightenment and she would slaughter anything and everything that stood in the way of getting that for him. He was the son she thought she'd be the one having with his dad. Even though she wasn't his biological mother, she thought of him like her child. And now that both his parents were deceased, she knew it was her duty to make sure everything turned out okay for him. She would risk her immortal life to keep his blissful. It was a mother's job. She'd lost contact with him for years. Now that he was finally back in her life she knew he was her responsibility. To protect him and do whatever she knew he needed without being too invasive.

"Dargon!" Nicola growled, her deep red eyes shimmering.

Inside the room, Scarlet strained her ears trying to hear what was going on. Suddenly she heard the blood sucker aggressively mutter her mate's name, and she jumped - her heart racing. What was happening . . .? She heard Dargon whisper something quietly, but it didn't reach far enough for her to process. Frowning, she looked down at her stomach, and waited.

In the hallway, Nicola wrapped Dargon in her arms and held him close. "That's all I needed to know . . ."

His hands rose slowly, and he gripped the black attire at her sides tightly, heavy tears dropping to the floor. He prayed to everything above Scarlet would be alright through this. That she would be able to raise their babies with him . . . And that the unborn infants of contrasting sexes would both come out happy and healthy too. But Nic was right. The fear of the unknown was getting to him. Very badly. He had no idea how this would turn out, he was terrified. As much as he tried to uplift himself, he knew that there were too many other possibilities. As a first time dad he was being consumed with everything he didn't want to think about. He held Nicola tighter, his eyes squeezing shut even more.

Scarlet's ears picked up on a breath-taking, heart-shattering noise. The sound of Dargon crying.

<Word Count Of Everything Except This: 917>

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