Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 16

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A/N: Gosh, I love you guys <3. Now I will try my best to make this chapter good considering I'm highly distracted with my pup..I mean...she's so cute but so evil...Like, I slept on the recliner last night and she kept bothering me...and I just started ignoring her...and next thing you know, she jumps on the recliner where my head is and the whole thing goes flying back...

OMG, IM BLABBERING !! FORGIVE MEEE! XD Oh, please.. you guys love least I hope you do.. I mean- Ya know what.. o.o Let me do this chapter before I pass the word limit or that real? Do they have a-

Just skip all this XD I just wasted like four minutes of your precious life..your welcome ^.^

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Sixteen

Maria had been watching the girl sleep, and the sight of her jumping up so abrubtly scared her.

For the first few minutes of questioning, Scarlet refused to talk, instead looking highly flustered and worried yet so relieved for a reason Maria still had yet to find out.

Maria could tell that whatever happened in her sleep had to have been bad to result in her entering such a distracted state, so she decided one way to let her collect her thoughts was to offer her a calm trip along the borders of their territory while it were still quiet and Sin were still asleep.

The mentioning of a walk caused Scarlet to deliver her an odd look, but she accepted, and now as they stroll down a pathway that both were familiar with, the Luna tried to once more start up a conversation.

"Are you okay?" She asked gently, her blue eyes cutting over to gaze at the Omega whereas Scarlet remained staring foward.

They continued to walk at the same pace.

"I'm fine . . ." Scarlet replied, releasing a breath she never knew she had contained.

Maria stopped walking, and Scarlet soon came to a halt as well, turning back to look at her.

"Scarlet," Maria began. "Would you like to tell me what happened? What really happened?"

Scarlet looked away. She continued walking until she reached a short stump in the ground that was probably once a tree, but now just an old wedge.

She sat down and ran a hand through her hair. It was rough and dried out, but she barely noticed. The Omega's biggest fear was that if she told Maria what happened, she would laugh right in her face at the foolishness of the whole episode.

Watching the young female, she took a few steps closer until she was in front of her.

Crouching down, the Goddess forced Scarlet to make eye contact with her. "Please, I know something has stirred your emotions around. You must tell me."

"It was just a nightmare," Scarlet sighed.

"Just a nightmare?" Maria arched an eyebrow. "What happened in your nightmare?"

"Um," That, Scarlet wasn't exactly sure she wanted to relay the events that tormented her dream. The thought alone crossing her mind had her heart aching. She had to proceed with reminding herself that it wasn't real, and as much as she wanted to just forget about it, she knew that speaking with someone would help her case.

"It was about . . . Dargon . . ."

Maria's interest spiked even higher, and she found herself more intrigued than ever. "Oh?"

"Yes . . . he . . . I-" She couldn't bring herself to say it out loud. She closed her eyes and dropped her head. "He rejected me . . ." She whispered. Something wet slipped down her cheek, leaving a tickling sensation trailing after it.

The drop touched her lips, and they parted slightly as she choked on a deeply depressed sigh, causing the liquid to fall upon her tongue. Her tastebuds detected something salty, and Scarlet labled it as a tear.

Maria frowned and ran a smooth delicate thumb over her cheek, clearing the tear's leftover.

Scarlet enjoyed her Luna's company. These past few days, Maria had helped her a lot, but she still wished that Dargon was the one wiping away her tears.

"I understand-"

"No you don't!" She didn't know what snapped inside of her, but the moment Maria stated she knew how she felt and tried to do a comparison, a deep anger boiled within her. "You don't know and you never will! You've always been loved and cherished. You don't know what it feels like to be thrown around like a rag doll! I just found my mate . . . and . . . and I'm hearing that the entire community of shifters and cold-bloods want to kill us! You will never know what it feels like to be hated and fear something as harmless as a dream, so don't act like you do, Maria!" Scarlet jumped up and allowed her feet to carry her away.

She ran through trees and bushes, stepped on sticks and stones wth bare feet, and felt the peircing daggers as things sliced through her body while she trudged along.

Eventually, it began to rain, and hard drops pelted down on her, quickly wetting the ground and turning it into a sloshy, wet mess.

Her tears blended with the falling water, and she sobbed loudly, but it was incoherent against the thunder streaking and crackling through the sky. The sun, which was supposed to be out by now, was now pushed back by dark stormy clouds.

Scarlet fell to the ground. She made no move to get up, instead balling up into a position so tight it was painful as it strained her muscles; numbing them so that the rain that hailed down on her could hardly be felt. She was too weak to shift into her wolf and continue her journey to Lord knows where. Choosing to stay down, she tried to stop the weeps that rippled through her body, but doing so just forced them to come even harder, making the scene truly horrible. She shook on the ground while the cold rain bit at her and soaked her dress.

The moment of reality came crashing down to her, and a new pain could be felt. Scarlet never had a mate before, therefore she was saved from this emotion, but now, she was experiencing it full force.

Dargon wasn't here, and it felt as if he were just being pulled further and further away from her. She released all her feelings and emotions she had been kept bottled inside for years, but the pain of the past was nothing compared to the pain of the present.

It hurt so much, and loud, blood-curdling screams peirced the air. She writhered around on the ground, not knowing what else to do but cry out.

It went on like this for hours. The deep pounding of her chest provoked her screams even more. Nothing could describe what she was dealing with. It was as if the Devil had jammed his hand into her chest and snatched out her heart, leaving her there to just die.

As another hour ticked by, Scarlet could not even scream. Her voice had been gone, only releasing weak, raspy, whistles. She lay on her back.

The once white dress was now coated in thick brown mud. Her face was unknown to the world, for she had raked her nails down it several times, the stinging was the only thing that let her know she was still alive.

Staring up at the foggy grey sky, her red face pulled into a feature of sorrow. She just wanted to die.

She felt so alone . . . so lost . . . and there was no one here to comfort her.

Not Dargon, not Maria, not James.

No one but herself.


A/N: Poor Scarlet :(

P.S. I love you guys. Don't be mad. It's just the daily struggle of an Omega.

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