Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 13

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to . . . everyone! From the ones who were with me from the very beginning, to those who are just discovering this story. From those who voted, to those who commented, to those who just took the time to read this book out of the other million.

Even the ones who are constant voters for Mated To The Dragon. I'm talking about those people who always ended up on my dedication list because they were always encouraging me.

You have earned a special place in my heart <3 I won't say names, but you know who you are.  Here ya go!

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Thirteen

"I'm sorry . . . what?" Scarlet stared into Maria's eyes. Shock lined the girl's every feature. "Why me . . . w-why? How does any of this add up to me?" She was clueless and oblivious.

"You are the dino-" She caught the slight expression change of Scarlet, and corrected herself before she were to do any more damage. "-dragon's . . . mate. Judging by your little . . . scene, earlier, there's no doubt in my mind that he hasn't scented you."

Visions of what happened only moments before flashed through her mind. It was so perfect, and it would have been even better if it were not for them interrupting.

She started to blush.

Her cheeks tinted a blossoming red. She felt such a strong emotion of shame as she recalled the earlier events.

She was the one who pulled him into the kiss. She was the one who turned that average kiss into an action movie. Scarlet memorized how good it felt, but she also remembered how . . .  odd . . . he behaved and reacted to it.

His body was so tense, she felt the energy shift around her. He seemed to go in a lockdown mode. It felt as if he were trying to pull away.

Scarlet frowned, she knew that kissing him was a bad idea. He didn't want it.

Scarlet couldn't read through his true intentions. "Well, it wasn't a scene . . . considering he wasn't enjoying it as much as I," She averted her gaze to that of a nearby tree.

A strange silence sunk in. When Scarlet looked up, she met the disbelieving eyes of her Luna.

"Is that what you think?" She asked incredulously. "You assume that he wasn't enjoying it?"

Scarlet's silence verifyed it all.

A smile broke out on Maria's gorgeous face. A melodic chuckle escaped her lips. It was a breathy sound, and made Scarlet blink with curiousity.

"The boy was enjoying it. In fact, he was trying to bring himself to a halt before it became too much to handle." Maria explained. "My dearest Scarlet, you were sending his body into overdrive."

Scarlet felt that churning within her stomach as she inhaled the words.

"In fact, the hormonal waves that he felt from you was what caused Sin and I to come investigate. It was quite a sight. I couldn't help but laugh."

That explained the smile on her face when Scarlet noticed them.

Still, this information was a surprise to her. She was thinking that he never wanted to kiss her; when in reality, he was trying to retrain himself from doing more.

Despite the situation the girl was in, having seen her Alpha and her mate tumble into a fight, and hear the disturbing news that a rage was soon to come to take her and Dargon out . . . she laughed.

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