Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 39

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A/N: I'm so good at this. {Hint Sarcasm}
Its midnight for me, so obviously you can either look at it as me posting my chapters really late, OR, really early!

So I had did a poem a while back that seemingly reflected on a more hurt version of myself. Don't know when it was, but I will be sure to include it at the end of this chapter - but for now, enjoy Chapter Thirty Nine!

Mated To The Dragon: Chapter Thirty Nine

"I'm pregnant . . ."

"You're . . . You're what?" He almost thought he didn't hear her correctly. His eyes stared into her face, searching for any possible hints that could give away anything other than what she'd just told him.

"I'm pregnant, Dargon." She repeated, this time softer. He watched her, and her heart almost felt like it'd jump right out of her chest if he didn't say something! Anything! She needed to hear him . . .

"You're . . . Pregnant . . ." He stammered. "W-with my . . . Baby?"

She would have found that cute if not for the intensity of the situation. "Yes," she said, locking their gazes for a little while. He eventually broke the stare, to look down at her stomach. The weight gain, the roundness, the . . . Moving. It was all caused by a little child. A baby the two of them had created together, that was growing in her tummy and would one day exist in the physical world. He could hardly believe it.

"Dargon, you're scaring me. Are you okay?" He'd went pale so quick.

He didn't think it'd happen so early on . . . But at the same time he couldn't believe how immense the joy that coursed through him was. She was pregnant . . .

Scarlet almost flinched when he'd lowered his head down, his ear pressing to her warm stomach, and he closed his eyes in silence. The light pressure provoked a small kick, and a huge smile painted itself on his features. He began to kiss over her skin. Her stomach, up her arms, into her neck. She laughed, nervously. This was a good sign, right?

"I love you," He said aloud. Everything in her felt relieved, and she laced her fingers in his hair, pulling him up to connect their lips in a long kiss. She could feel his hot hands roam her body when he rose to very carefully mount her body. A familiar ache of desire below surfaced, and she groaned into the kiss. "Dargon . . ." It'd only taken that to confirm she was craving him.

He'd gruffly responded with a, "Shh," his hands going down to unfasten her pants and restore the closeness they'd lost during his absence. "Ill be gentle . . ."


Scarlet's eyes opened partially. The light from the windows hit her all too quickly, and she turned to snuggle deeper into Dargon's embrace.

She opened her eyes again, widely, and raised her head to stare into the face of ideal perfection. Her Bounder. His eyes were closed, his long eyelashes obvious. He smiled a little in his sleep, and she laid back down on the pillow. He was too sexy for her.

She tried to remember what happened last night, and raided her mind for possible clues. She saw very little. Once he'd gotten her pants off everything became a distance blur. But they were now on a bed, and it started on a couch? Traveling sex? Was that possible?

Her cheeks tinted pink. With him, just about anything with possible.

She rolled on her back, despite the fact he'd pulled her body closer to his, and dared herself to look out the window again. Sun rays were hitting the uncovered windows and warmed the room. "Oh . . ." Scarlet suddenly recalled something. Something big . . . She told him . . . She told him she was pregnant, and he seemed even more so ecstatic than she thought he'd be.

And . . . And . . .

She sat up some, prying Dargon's arms from around her to lay between the two. Her back pressed against the cold bed post, but she didn't care. She slowly laid her hand over her stomach, hoping, anticipating any little flutter. As the seconds ticked by, her impatience rose beyond belief, and the hormonal imbalance once again took its toll until she was so frustrated her eyes stung with the desire to cry. Why wasn't her baby moving? Did it not like her?

Dargon adjusted in the bed, making the cutest of noises, and Scarlet blinked. With her other hand, she reached out for him, and grabbed his wrist. She guided his hand over to her stomach, and glanced at him to make sure she wasn't waking him up, before she laid his hand on top of hers. She slid her fingers from his wrist to the back of his hand, holding it in place, and closed her eyes. "Please work . . ." She whispered.

The unborn infant, somehow sensing the hands of both its mother and father, lightly squirmed inside of her tummy. Scarlet felt so relieved and . . . Blessed.

Their baby, their perfect baby, knew exactly what made their little family complete. It was Dargon.


A/N: That concludes chapter Thirty Seven!

And now for that poem, that I, Have to go retrieve, hold on.

~two mins later~

Got it!

Its called A New You, or something like that ...

To be or not to be
That's the question everyone asks
To remain as yourself
Or to give in to the black

The very thought is saddening
And on the surface you try to laugh
But you already know you're going to take that other path

The mirror you gaze into,
Reflecting the new person you've become
And those around you stare
As if you've done something wrong

You try to tell yourself that its better this way
But as you live on
This identity further engraves

Eyes glazed with false confidence and a mask over your face
You see that you've made a very big mistake

You reach back to grab the hand of the person you use to be
The one you were born as
The one God wanted to see

But its too late
No matter how far you seem to stretch
You've already failed your given life test

Your heart has sunken in
You're just a hallow shell of skin
No going back
No turning from these tracks

Goodbye to your past, and to your future too
This is the life you chose
This is the new you.

That's it.

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