1| The Great Tragedy

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"What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms... or the memory of a brother's smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the Gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy."

On the night of Joffrey's birth, Cersei, unbeknownst to many, bore twins

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On the night of Joffrey's birth, Cersei, unbeknownst to many, bore twins. Two blonde haired, little lions.

Thirty-six hard and tedious hours of labor allowed for two innocent souls to be brought into the world. Joffrey was first, screaming and crying as he came from the womb. A minute passes before Cersei is discovered to have been carrying another. She spent another four hours in labor, barely having the strength to continue. At the end, however, she was blessed with a beautiful little girl. A child that was born silent, staring at the world with eyes full of wonder.

Cersei lets out a sigh of relief as she falls back on the bed. "Is the child okay?" She was expecting to hear the muffled cries of the newborn, but no such noise was heard.

"I will return shortly, My Queen." Maester Pycelle murmurs as he exits the room quickly, the second born in his arms. Cersei attempts to stand, wanting nothing more than to follow her newborn child. Jaime, her brother, softly pushes her back down on the bed. "Rest. Worrying will not help the state of the child." She turns frantic, as any mother would.

Jaime begins pacing aimlessly, afraid of making eye contact with her. Because if he did, she would see the fear in his eyes.

"Jaime, so help me... I will have you executed if you do not bring me my child."

He ignores her words, moving his pacing to the other side of the room.

Two hours pass in the blink of eye to some, but to Cersei it felt like years. Every noise made her shudder, as she thought it was the door opening. She had no energy to cry, but only stare in the nothingness of her bedchambers. However, the inevitable was bound to take over. Sleep. Her eyes close defiantly and with much resistance.

Not a second passes before the door opens; the Maester walking in with a moving bundle in his arms. Cersei's eyes shoot open, turning to face Maester Pycelle. Her eyes search his arms apprehensively. "Is the child..." Until this moment, she knew not of the gender of the second child.

He speaks softly, walking towards the Queen. "Hold you arms open." She could only listen to his words as he approached her. Maester Pycelle lowers the bundle into her arms. "Be very gentle, My Queen."

To her surprise, staring up at her was two beautiful emerald green eyes. Golden ringlets shaping around the face of the newborn. She whispers softly, "It's a girl..." Her voice sounding surprised, not believing the child she was holding was her own. She drapes her hair over the child, protecting her from wandering eyes.

Maester Pycelle nods, stepping a few feet away from the new mother. "Cersei."

It took minutes before she acknowledged his words. She looks up at the patiently awaiting Maester. "As she came from the womb, the birthing cord was wrapped around her neck. I had to properly remove it before it crushed her airways."

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