9| Sibling Rivalry

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"There's a beast in every man and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand."

Charlotte's POV

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Charlotte's POV

Per usual, time was spent tarrying around Winterfell, passing the time until the darkness of the night called for slumber. Today was no exception. I was meddling around the courtyard, playing with the collies. They seemed to be my only companions as of lately.

To my family, I did not want to appear weak. Bran had fallen from the broken tower, and as a Baratheon.. I could offer my condolences, but nothing else. I could not mourn, and that was taking a toll on my heart. On the inside, I wanted to fall to a million pieces. On the outside, I appeared to be strong and endearing.

Endearing of the strength embedded within my name.

*~* Third Person POV *~*

Joffrey approaches his sister, watching her play with the collies. She was the embodiment of free spirit and contentment, bearing resemblance to the mother they both shared. Charlotte did things as she pleased and no one told her otherwise. It infuriated him.


The alarmed girl turned around, her blond waves blowing in wind. "Joffrey." Her voice light and refined with grace. "What are you doing here, dear brother?"

"I can't visit with my little sister?"

Charlotte stands up, nonchalantly checking the knife hidden deep within her pocket. Joffrey's erratic behavior was the center of slander in the North. She knew not of his physical behavior, but she was not taking any chances. "No... It's perfectly fine. I was just passing my time with the collies until dinner."

He replies curtly. "Oh."

She wanted to open her feelings to her brother, her twin. They should be as thick as thieves. However, Charlotte felt not a speck of trust towards him. "We can go riding after dinner. I'm sure the Queen won't mind."

Joffrey spoke deeply, narrowing his eyes at Charlotte. "Just to clarify .... You will never be a part of our family. We may share the same parents, but you will always be a bloody Stark."

Things never work in the favor of those who speak against others. "Joffrey." A commanding voice that instills fear in the insolent boy. Cersei walks from behind Charlotte, putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Apologize. Charlotte is your sister, and currently the only one amongst you that carries my good graces. If she was not present to keep me civil, I would leave the lot of you in Winterfell."

Charlotte turns to Cersei, an overwhelming admiration lit in her eyes. Her trust was growing towards the woman, wanting to build such a bond that would tether her to the childhood she was meant to live.

Joffrey begins to back away. "Sorry Charlotte... We can go riding after dinner. Father has another horse for you.... since yours is still missing." His stuttering created a happy tingle in Charlotte's stomach.

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