15| Common People

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Can a man be brave if he's afraid? That's the only time a man can be brave.

Charlotte's POV

"Get up!" Joffrey's throws a pillow in my direction. "Mother wants us both in the front line as we arrive to King's Landing!" I lean up, returning the pillow... hitting him in the head. "Why couldn't mother wake me herself? Why'd she send you... of all people?"

Joffrey narrows his eyes. "I take that insultingly. I'm the Prince, and you will not talk to me this way."

"Whatever, twit."

I stand, combing through the waves in my hair. "You never answered my question."

"Father called her into a council meeting, something about Dorne and.... a Targaryen girl." He answers, gawking at the lineup of Kingsguard outside of the wheelhouse. "I suggest you get ready. Mother's handmaidens will be in here momentarily."

He leaves, taking the tension with him. Why was he delivering the message? It could have been anybody. My day could have started out much better than this, I already have to worry about King's Landing. Seven hells, I have worry about people wanting my head on a silver platter because my mother's a Lannister. Joffrey. They'll kill him before they kill me.... Comforting thought. I'll have enough time to escape.

I began laughing at the scenarios building up in my head, picturing Joffrey screaming as he ran through the streets of King's Landing.

The handmaidens arrives exactly five minutes after Joffrey's departure. They tied my hair in two braids hanging from my shoulders, and a higher bun that rested atop my head. A southern style, but very elegant. My dress was red silk with golden over-lace. The embroidery of a lion graced the left arm, whilst the antlers gathered in a design that fitted around my neck.

The door to the wheelhouse opens, the handmaidens in the process of attaching a metal belt around my waist. The voice exclaims loudly. "We want her to enjoy King's Landing, not suffocate her to death. Take it off." The maidens bowed. "Yes, Your Grace." I turned and smiled. "Hi, mother."

She laughs and walks over to me. The maidens scatter, not getting in her way. She kisses me on the forehead, looking me up and down. "You're so beautiful!" I wanted to stare at the smile on her face, so rare and full of life. "What has you in high spirits this morning?" She twirls around the room gleefully, plopping onto a cushion as she looked at the ceiling.

"Home. We're finally going to be home nearly after three months." She turns to me smiling, yet again. "And I get to bring you with me."

I laced up the shoes laid out for me, and walked over to my mother. I offered my hand, which she grabs. "Come on, we'll be arriving soon." She stands, straightening her dress. "I still can't believe how beautiful you are."

I smirk sarcastically. "Thank you, Your Grace. It's my pleasure to bless you with my presence."

This may be the first time since Winterfell that we were genuinely getting along. She narrows her eyes, and purses her lips. "Charlotte Baratheon, I oughta...." I back away quickly with my arms held up. "I'm sorry... my mouth can get the best of me sometimes...."

She jumps at me, hugging me tightly. "It's fine, love. I was just joking. You get it honestly." My eyes widen in shock. "Cersei Lannister does not joke. Who are you? What have you done with my mother?" She inhales sharply, her arms crossing in front of her chest. "There it goes again. Your mouth. Do I need to teach you Princess etiquette?"

"Yes." My words were serious, my lips shrinking to a straight line.

She breaks the lack of pretending with another one of her smiles. "Charlotte, my precious child. You will be exquisite in front of all. Those who don't know you will want to follow you, in turn, they will want to follow your brother." It was great, between the two of us. Laughing and smiling. Until she mentions Joffrey. My eyebrows furrow angrily, looking away. "Let's not talk about him....." I can feel a sour look forming on my face.

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