23| Tomorrow Never Comes, Fate Never Ends

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"Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it."

Charlotte's POV

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Charlotte's POV

"Get your hands off me!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Two guards were pulling my arms as I struggled against their hold. "You'll regret touching me, imbeciles!" They began laughing. "Shut it... Or you wont' have a tongue."

I narrowed my eyes, knowing that these guards would be impossible to convince. Other means would be necessary. "Listen... I promise I'll behave if you loosen my hands. What could I possibly do?" The guard runs his hand through my hair. "Save the pleasantries for later... The other boys will love you."

"Where exactly are we going?"

One of the other prisoners standing a few feet away from me answers. "Casterly Rock."

Home of the Lannisters.

*~* Eight hours prior

Fate is found on the road we try to avoid the most. The questions we don't want answers too, or the answers we've received, but chose to ignore. The road, metaphorically speaking, is not that of utter pain and chaos, but of the things we can't prevent from happening.

"Charlotte! Charlotte!" My mother's voice echoes through the halls of the Red Keep as I ran down hallways that are still so unfamiliar, and through rooms that always seemed to have more than one entrance.

I cannot fight for her affection. You may have her heart, but she will always be my child... But, they're all Jaime's... I'm sorry you had to find out this way...

Voices reverberate through the contents of my skull, refusing to silence as I shake my head back and forth.

I need to get lost. I need someone to tell me that I was not a pawn that fate decided to punish.

What did I do to deserve any of this? 

I find myself standing at a two story balcony, my only exit is the ground underneath. Footsteps of guards are approaching from behind, and I know that the entire castle was looking for me. "Charlotte..." A still-small voice from behind causes me to turn around.

It was my little sister, Myrcella.

"Charlie... Where are you going? Mother is looking for you..." Her face is plastered with sadness. Inside her innocent heart, she knew that she would probably never see me again after I jumped off the balcony. Her only comfort was that I hadn't before she told her goodbyes.

I carefully place my feet back on the ground, and walk over to my sister. "Everything is going to be okay, Myrcella. I promise that you will understand one day when you're older... that sometimes people need to escape to finally be free." Myrcella runs into my arms, and begins crying her eyes out. "Why are you leaving me?"

"I have to save myself..."

Myrcella hugs me tightly, snuggling her head into the crook of my shoulder. "Will we ever see each other again?" I ruffle the blond hair on her head. "One day, little one. I'll save you from this place, and we will have great lives together. You, me, and Tommen. How does that sound?"

"I just want to be with you. I don't care where it is, or what we're doing. I just want to be with my big sister, because you're the only one who can protect me from Joffrey."

"Joffrey will get what's coming to him... I have no doubt."

Banging on the door causes Myrcella and I to separate. "I have to go, Myrcella. I can't let them catch me..." I quickly lean forward, and kiss her on the forehead. "Stay safe... I love you."

A tiny scream escapes from Myrcella's mouth as I jump from the balcony, and into the flowers below. Not a nice landing, but it beats landing on the stones of the streets of King's Landing. Once again, I hear my mother's screams as she appears on the balcony above.


Without a second of hesitation, I stand myself up proudly, and replied with loud words. "The more people you love, the weaker you are." I pull my cloak over my shoulders, covering my face as I run into the darkness of the streets.

The Red Keep is only a distant memory as my shoes hit the stone tiles below me.


And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my Lord,
as long and sharp as yours.

In a coat of gold no less, I find myself sheltering under canopies of clothes hanging across the alley I travel down. The lyrics of my family's namesake being softly mumbled under my breath. My destination being the woman who blessed my arrival on my first day in King's Landing.

Unbeknownst to my mother, I had kept in contact with her. Karalyn, Rhaena's mother...

Her small house-like-tent is hidden deep within the streets of King's Landing, located in FleaBottom. It is marked with the flowers of love, red roses.

I knock on her door, hoping and praying that she would be at home. She is the only person I knew who would help me escape King's Landing without alerting the guards and/or my mother. My hand hits the wood softly of her door, listening in between knocks for movement inside.

Surprising me completely, the door opens with my hand still in the air. "What can I do for..." Karalyn's eyes widen as she stares at me. I pullemy hood down, my red hair falling down my back in waves. "Princess Charlotte..." She softly curtsies, reaching for my hand and kissing it softly. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I need your help, Karalyn. I need to get out of this retched city. I can no longer handle the treachery and corruption. I have lost all trust in my mother, and wish to return to the Starks. Can you help me? I'm begging you..."

Karalyn opens her arms, as though she knew I am in need of comfort. "Dārilaros, do not worry your young heart. I will do everything I can to ensure your safety." She rubs my back softly. I guess I sought her comfort, because she was mother as well... And, I would no longer be able to go to my own mother when I was seeking such comfort.

"Come inside... You child, need some rest and a good meal."

Her arms gather around my shoulders as she guides me into her house. "Rhaena has been doing fantastic... She's grown so much." She points me over to a chair in the corner, removing some clothes and throwing them to the side. I sit down, and take a deep breath as I lean back into the chair.

A baby's laughter fills the room as Karalyn walks over to me with Rhaena in her arms. "Would you like to hold her?" Without hesitation, I open my arms and she places Rhaena in my lap. "Rhaena, this is Charlotte... You've meet her before."

Her giggles precipitate a smile to form on my face as she reaches for my hair. Karalyn whispers softly. "She's never seen red hair before..." I softly tickle Rhaena, still elated at the sounds of a young child.

I look down at her again, realizing something that I had never seen before. "She has purple eyes..." Karalyn's eye widen, turning away from me as she walked to the other side of the room. Dots continued to connect in my head.

Dārilaros... With what little I knew of the dying language, it means heir to the throne. "You can speak Valyrian..."

"Charlotte, please don't draw any conclusions. It will only make things worse for the three of us."

"Three of us..."

Karalyn whispers softly, her eyes reflecting shades of purple as well. "I thought you knew, young one."

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