5| Scars of the Past

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"Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real."

Charlotte's POV

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Charlotte's POV

"Robert... I told you. It's her." The Queen was staring down at me, and all I wanted to do was run. The intensity in her eyes, the happiness. What was I to her? Why is any of this happening to me? She speaks softly in my ear, laying her hands on each of my shoulders. "I know this must be confusing for you, believe me. I never thought I would see you again... my Little Sun."

I pull away from her, shaking my head back and forth. "What are you talking about?" I look around at everyone watching me. "What are any of you talking about?"

I was confused. I was terrified. "Sweetling... calm down. I promise everything will be okay."

She was speaking to me with familiar comfort, as if she knew me. Which is impossible, because I have never left Winterfell. This is where I was born, the place where I was raised. How could I have any connection to this woman standing in front of me?

My gaze flutters around the courtyard, looking for any sign of escape. A tiny gap was present near the eastern wall.

I pick up pieces of my dress, so it was no longer trails the ground, and... I ran. As fast as my legs could carry me. Voices were yelling behind me. "Charlotte... come back! We need to talk!" The most shocking were from the King. "Follow her! Bring her back this instance!"


It's been two days......

I've spent two days hiding in the forest away from everybody. The guards were unable to find me. My own family was not even successful in finding me... Well, one person was. Jon. But he knew where I would be. It was a secret hiding place we discovered as children.

Jon brought me food and blankets, allowing me to stay hidden longer in the forest. More of a cave, but still in the forest.

Eventually I would have to go back and smell the roses. To figure out exactly what was going on between the Baratheons and the Starks. Why the Queen was declaring promises to me... Why my parents were refusing to answer my questions in the courtyard? I have ran scenario after scenario through my head, concocting truths in which would make sense.

The only logical truth was... Well, I didn't have one.

It was driving me crazy, not knowing. The flaw of having an intellectual mind.

*~* Third Person POV *~*

King Robert and Queen Cersei awaken in their bedchambers in Winterfell on their third day of being there. The cold climate would slithering through the walls. "Robert, I will never get used to this weather." She pulls her furs close, trying to gather the little warmth left in the room. "It will only be a few more days. Ned just has to say yes to my proposal."

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