One of The Girls

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pictured above is Chaeyoung Ryu.


"Congratulations are in order, Y/N," Chaeyoung told you at breakfast one morning. Elizabeth and Louise were still grabbing their food, so it was just you and her at the Temperance table.

"I think you mean consolations," you replied morosely as you carefully trimmed the white off of your sunny-side up eggs. You used to like to stab the runny yolk and watch it spill all over the plate, but now that just reminded you of Poppy and how her eye popped.

This was the second of your friends to get badly hurt and sent home. It was almost like a temptation. What were you willing to sacrifice to get out of Camp Bethel? An eye? A heart?

You supposed you could make it easier on yourself by buying into the bullshit, giving yourself over to the lies. Say yes, I will accept Jesus as my Lord and savior. Say yes, I will renounce my attraction to women. But the only word on your lips right now was no, no, no, NO...

"Those too," she offered half-heartedly, biting down on a piece of bacon with an audible crunch. "Really, though, I didn't think you'd make it through the first week. I was certain you'd be back in Mommy's arms in a matter of days."

"I would if I could." Your first night at Camp Bethel, you had a dream exactly that happened. Your mom randomly arrived at camp to pick you up, crying over the horrible mistake she made by sending you away. She apologized profusely, said she accepted you just the way you were, begged you for forgiveness. And you gladly gave it to her. The two of you reconciled as mother and daughter... Then you woke up.

"You don't like me, do you?" She asked suddenly, pulling you from your recollection. She had stopped eating and was just staring at you now, eyes boring into your skull like a power drill.

You put down your silverware and looked at her in kind. When dealing with a predator, it was important to neither show weakness nor look threatening. "That's not true. I don't know you well enough to dislike you." Really, you just didn't want to do or say anything to make her mad.

"Same here. So why don't we give this relationship a fresh start?" She grinned and stuck out her hand at you from across the table. "Hi, my name is Chaeyoung, and I'm a witch."

Her enthusiasm brought a smile to your face, even though her introduction confused you. Still, you reached out to clasp her hand in your own, shaking it briskly. "Hi, I'm Y/N. You're a witch?"

"Well, technically I'm a baby witch," she said with a dramatic sigh and eyeroll. "Just a beginner. I've only been practicing a couple of years, but I'm always working on my craft! I specialize in spell jars."

"What's a spell jar?"

"It's like a spell but, rather than just being an intention, it has a jar full of herbs, crystals, oils, and candle wax to make that intention more likely to become reality."

You sort of understood. It was like making a wish on a shooting star but substituting other materials for the star.

"Is it difficult, being a witch at bible camp?" You asked. Was it harder than being a lesbian at bible camp?

"It's not easy by any stretch of the imagination. Witchcraft is highly frowned upon here. I've had girls snitch on me for doing things out in the open, so I've gotten good at hiding."

"Same," you replied without thinking.

She didn't ask you to elaborate, just nodded sagely. "I had a feeling you'd understand. You are a Temperate girl after all. Here I was, afraid you were one of the Faithful. What a disaster that would have been!"

"Wasn't Louise originally one of the Faithful?" You could have sworn Salome said Louise started out in Faith.

Chaeyoung's eyes darted around The Ark before she leaned in close to whisper, "Yeah, but we don't talk about that. She always belonged in Temperance. Even Rosasharon knew that. That's why she wanted her. She loooves Temperate girls. She knows she can't fix us, but she loves to try."

You didn't know what to say, how to respond to that.

Luckily, Chaeyoung was good at carrying on a conversation. "Anyway, what do you think of the activities here at camp? Don't they suck?"

"The novelty of them has certainly worn off," you admitted. You didn't want to be too mean. Someone -the counselors, maybe?- worked very hard to put them together for you to enjoy. They just weren't always enjoyable.

She gave you an impish smile and asked, "Want to do something new for a change?"

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