Put A Spell On You

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"What kind of ritual is this?" You couldn't help but ask as you lazily sat back and watched the other girls make their preparations.

You hadn't noticed before, but both Louise and Chaeyoung had brought backpacks with them along on your little midnight hike. Louise didn't open her bag right away, although you swore you saw it move on occasion. Maybe that was just the drugs.

From her bag, Chaeyoung pulled out several red candles, a large pot, and a canister of salt. The pot she handed to Elizabeth, who took it and disappeared into the woods. Like she knew exactly what to do with it. Like they'd done this before.

"Oh, you'll learn soon enough..." Chaeyoung chuckled as she used the salt to draw various symbols on the ground around the fire.

"Chaeyoung, I don't think this is a good idea," Louise whimpered, wringing her hands and shifting her weight back and forth between her two feet.

"You're right," Chaeyoung answered. "It's not a good idea... It's a great idea!" Then, when Louise continued to hesitate, she added in a low voice, "Remember, Louise, you have something to gain from this, too. Don't get cold feet on us now."

For the longest time, the two girls stared each other down. Finally, Louise looked away. Then, without another word, she picked up the candles and placed them in a circle around the design Chaeyoung drew. Once they were neatly planted in the earth like wax flowers, she set them alight with a long match.

By the time the two girls were done with their tasks, Elizabeth had returned with the pot, now full of murky-looking water. Perhaps it was from the lake, maybe it was from a nearby pond or stream. Who knows?

She carefully balanced the pot atop the logs of the bonfire. The four of you sat around the fire for a while, listening to its crackling as well as the whisper of wind through the trees in the quiet of the night.

Once the water inside began to bubble and boil, all of the Temperate girls --well, all except for you-- threw in a small sachet no bigger than a teabag.

"Are we making some sort of swamp tea?" You asked the group at large. Whatever it was, you wouldn't be partaking anymore.

Elizabeth quickly shushed you, causing you to pout. Fine. You wouldn't ask any more questions. In fact, you wouldn't even speak anymore, if she was going to be like that.

The candle flames flickered and danced. More and more steam rose from the pot.

Louise unzipped her backpack, reached inside, and pulled out a white rabbit by the scruff of its neck, like some sort of junior magician. You wondered if you ought to have applauded the trick. But you waited too long, and the moment passed.

Elizabeth and Chaeyoung jumped into position until all of you formed a loose circle --really more of a square-- around the fire. Louise was directly across from you, giving you a front row seat to the ritual.

You watched as her eyes rolled back in her head and she began to chant. None of her words registered to you. It was as if she were speaking in tongues. There was a rhythm and rhyme there, though, to be certain.

The girls began to sway in tandum. And the fire seemed to sway with them.

That you could ignore. It was harder to dismiss how your vision began to pulse in time with your heartbeat, however. But these may just be effects of the drugs in your system. You certainly hoped they were.

The pulsing only diminished when Chaeyoung surged forward into Louise's space, crowded in close to whisper something in her ear. Louise's eyes became visible again and she stopped chanting, stopped swaying. The look on her face was one of shock and horror.

"No, that would be very bad!" She cried out, in almost a theatrical whisper. "This is supposed to be a love spell!"

A love spell, huh? Why did no one tell you? Oh well. It wasn't like you believed in such things.

The flames slowed their sway. The pounding in your head began to fade.

Chaeyoung looked from Louise to the bonfire to you and back again with something like panic written across her face.

Then she grabbed the rabbit by its back legs and wrestled it away from Louise.

"Chaeyoung, no!" Louise yelled.

But it was too late.

Chaeyoung began beating the small creature against the rocks surrounding the firepit until its white fur was stained red, before throwing the corpse into the fire. Then she smeared her bloody hands over her mouth.

The act of violence was so sudden that you didn't know how to react, just froze.

You don't know if you or Louise were the first to start shrieking, but suddenly all of you were screaming at the top of your lungs.

The fire jumped and roared as if someone had just dumped a gallon of gasoline on it... Before taking on a form. That of a girl.

She was beautiful, pretty enough to rival Her, even if she was the opposite of Her in almost every way. It hurt to look at her, though, as if you were staring into the sun. You supposed, in a way, you were.

You stopped screaming, tried to calm some of your hysteria. It's just a bad high, you told yourself over and over again. It's just a bad high!

She stepped outside of the firepit, something you didn't think a hallucination was supposed to be able to do, before dropping to her knees and crawling towards you.

You scrambled backwards on all fours, but she was faster, fast as a snake or spider or something else terrifying with no legs or too many.

You pressed your back into the dirt, tried to avoid touching her as much as possible, even as she hovered above you, straddling your lap. You already felt singed. You didn't want to get burned.

"Sooner or later..." She said, in a voice like every girl you were ever afraid of talking at once. "You're gonna be mine."

"Go away," you whimpered and begged. "Please, go away!"

She just smiled, reached up to caress your cheek with the back of her hand. You screwed your eyes shut and screamed again --this time in agony-- as you felt your flesh melt away, charr right down to the bone.

Then she disappeared, like a candle that had just gotten blown out. The pain stopped just as suddenly. You reached up to your cheek to find it wet with tears but completely intact. You surged upwards into a sitting position, looking around at the Temperate, looking for some confirmation you weren't crazy.

But they weren't looking at you, instead looking off to the left. You followed their gazes and found... Nurse Thorne, looking back, her expression contorted with righteous fury.

Elizabeth was the first one to react. She snatched up an empty forty that had been laying on the ground, smashed it on the blood-stained stones of the firepit, and yelled, "Scatter!"

And, well, you didn't need to be told twice. You scrambled to your feet, picked a direction, and ran.

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