12. playing dress-up but only theoretically

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Also PLEASE read the note at the end of the chapter. It's really important for those who are keeping in check with GRWR's updates.

 It's really important for those who are keeping in check with GRWR's updates

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I hesitated for a long moment, staring at the murky black sky and listening to the heavy rainfall before closing my room's window. The necklace was already returned to its spot on my desk, keeping it safe from the rain.

'It's not unexpected that Chenya couldn't come,' I thought, 'It's raining like a hurricane out there. Does he even own an umbrella?'

But as soon as I was about to leave, I heard a loud tap on the window. I quickly reopened it, and felt some stray raindrops fall onto my hand and face.

"Chenya?" I said, looking around and seeing nothing but the dark outside and rainfall.

Chenya's head suddenly appeared from above(upside down ofc), and he grinned. "You called?"

I did a slow blink, noting the water running down his hair and clothes

"...I'll go get a towel." I said, slowly backing away from the window before doing finger guns. "Be right back."

"Take your time!" He said, turning upright. I saw a glimpse of a broom, and realized that he must be flying to get up to my room— that's one mystery solved.

I ran into the shower and grabbed a armful of towels, then dumped them on the floor in front of the window. Pushing the window open as far as it would go, I ushered him inside.

He crawled through the window, and shook his head to get rid of the water from his hair, making me cringe as water splattered everywhere. His clothes were drenched, and I saw him shiver as he closed the window.

"You're..." I furrowed my brows. "Where the fuck are your shoes."

"Couldn't grab them in time." He shrugged. "And my feet are beautiful, thank you."

That was my final straw.

"Dude, what were you thinking?" I scolded, throwing a towel over his head and ruffling his hair. "You didn't have to come in such heavy rainfall!"

"But I said I'll come," Chenya said matter-of-factly, looking at me like I said the world was flat.

"That's not— whatever." I huffed. "Things like this remind me why you're in RSA. Just take a shower— I'll gather some clothes for you to borrow."

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