27. the dark reunion strikes again!

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Me when Saiki K reference

   Rook Hunt was sprinting down the halls, while still carrying me in his arms

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Rook Hunt was sprinting down the halls, while still carrying me in his arms.

Although everything mushed together into a blur with the speed Rook ran, the interior of this dorm looked like it came straight out of some fantasy manhwa. The walls were intricately decorated with carvings, patterns and photoframes, and the maximalism of it all made my head hurt.

"Dude, where are you bringing me—" I was interrupted as he skidded to a halt by a pair of large violet doors, which he proceeded kicked open.

"Désolé, Roi du Poison, but this is en urgence!" He exclaimed with a closed-eye smile.
[T: Sorry, King of Poison, but this is an emergency!]

Inside the room sat one of the most beautiful person I had ever seen. He had shoulder-length blond hair that faded into a lilac purple, and his facial features were accentuated perfectly with purple makeup.

I immediately felt ashamed for being in the same room as him— no, breathing the same oxygen as this student, especially with disheveled state I was in.

"Rook, what did I say about kicking my doors open?" The student, who was reading a book on a velvet seat, sighed. Once he lifted his head, our eyes awkwardly met.

I felt my face burn. Chat, I just made eye contact with the most gorgeous person ever. I could die happy at this point.

"...Who is this?" He asked slowly.

"Voici Chevalier de Poulet!" Rook beamed, walking further into the room to drop me onto a couch. I didn't bother resisting his manhandling.
[T: Here is Knight of Chicken!]

"I was asking for their name," He repeated curtly.

"Ah, their name is..." Rook paused thoughtfully. "I suppose I haven't gotten their name yet. Would you kindly introduce yourself?"

The mystery student simply let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

I blinked a few times before realizing that it was my cue. "Oh— sorry. I'm (Y/N) Shann."

His eyes flickered to my arm. "You look unsightly."


"Yeah... a friend of mine just overblotted, so..." I laughed nervously.  "I don't know what happened to my arm, though."

"Clearly, you're on the verge of overblotting too." He said, not lowering the book he was reading. "Rook, my strength is in poisons, not blot. Take them elsewhere."

"Oh, but can't you see that they have potential?" Rook exclaimed. "They are very beautiful, and I can only swoon at the idea of you guiding them on!"

I threw Rook a look of skepticism. Aside from helping me with French, I knew him for less than five minutes, and he was already calling me "beautiful"? I was getting flashbacks to Neige already.

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