15. not much has happened but all my friends almost died ig

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    "My apologies!" The boy exclaimed, quickly lifting me up from the floor

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    "My apologies!" The boy exclaimed, quickly lifting me up from the floor. "You seemed so familiar, I just had to test you."

"Huh? Test?" I winced, taking his hand. What is with all this abuse to my ass lately? And is he saying he ran into me on purpose?


"You can't just say 'perchance'..."

"Either way, I am sorry for running into you like that," He said, eyeing me up and down. "You are not injured, correct?"

Incorrect, my ass is sore.
"Yeah." I said. "I'm fine."

"That is good!" He clapped his hands together with a big grin. "What is your name?"

I took a small step backwards at his odd demeanour. "I'm (Y/N) Shann.."

His eyes widened only slightly, but he quickly played it off. "Ahh, you are the one who returned my phone to Silver!"

I relaxed at the familiar name. He's probably not a kidnapper, then. "Yes, that's me."

"How wonderful! I have yet to personally thank you for that. Oh, and the chicken was delicious. Maybe we could cook together sometime!"

A strange shiver ran down my spine, and I rubbed my arm in confusion. "Uh... yeah, maybe one day dude."

He then proceeded to stare at my face in a thoughful manner, and I awkwardly fiddled with the strap of my bag.

'Why is he staring at me like that? Can he read my thoughts? Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow—'

He soon noticed how I pulled back, and quickly waved his hands. "My apologies! You are just very intriguing, I must say."

"Thanks? I guess?" My eye twitched in a grimace. "So, is there anywhere you need to go or...?"

"Right!" He laughed, "I forgot that one of the students is overblotting, so I have to get the Headmaster!"

"One of the students is WHAT—" I shouted, then quickly covered my mouth when an explosion-like sound went off further down the hallway, shaking the building.

"I suppose this area is unsafe for you," He said, ushering me back towards where I came from with a wink. "Allow us to go to the staffroom together."

My mouth hung open like a fish as he grabbed my hand, pulling me out of my shock.

'NRC is crazy..!'

I was barely able to catch up to him as he pulled me through twists and turns in the halls, and when he finally stopped I panted as I leaned against a wall.

"Crowley!" He exclaimed energetically, slamming the door open. "Kingscholar is currently overblotting! The others are trying to subdue him with magic."

"What?!" Came a shrill voice from inside the room. "I will head over immediately! I am gracious, after all."

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