17. newsflash: i have friends

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Anygays take some art hee hee

Anygays take some art hee hee

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Unfinished but its okay 😃

And I accidentally gave Idia yaoi hands 💀

And I accidentally gave Idia yaoi hands 💀

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"Ruggie, wake up." I said, lightly shaking his body from over the blankets. When he was unresponsive, I shook a little harder. "Come back to the world of living, cause Santa dropped off some gifts."

He groaned, slowly lifting himself up. "Is it money?"


"Then tell Santa that he can fu—" His eyes widened as he saw Crewel's glare from across the room. "—uhhhhh-rick himself. Mhm." Ruggie gave me a small, petrified glance and whispered, "Why is Professor Crewel here?"

"Its Master Crewel." The man uncrossed his legs and motioned Ruggie forwards. "Now show me your arm, pup."

Ruggie opened his mouth to protest, but as soon as the professor narrowed his eyes Ruggie shut his trap and raised his sleeve begrudgingly.

Crewel raised a brow at the sight of my poor bandaging. He motioned me towards him. "I'm going to show you how to properly wrap a wound, so pay attention pup."

'Pup...?' I thought with a cringe, but nodded to his request anyways.

Needless to say, I learnt that my bandaging skills were absolute dogshit.

Once the professor finally finished berating what felt to be every inch of my existence, he stood up with a final scoff.

"I'll go speak to Crowley, now. You injured pups stay put, alright?"

"Yes, prof—" Ruggie coughed loudly. "Master... Crewel."

"Yessir." I said with a mock salute.

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