8. Without Her

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Theo's POV

What's wrong with Savannah? She has changed so much lately and all I want to do is make her happy. I love her so much and it kills me that we are like this right now. 

I couldn't help but remove myself out of that situation with her. I could feel myself breaking the more she spoke and I just felt like she wouldn't even listen to me. She has never acted like this before. 

As soon as I left Savannah, I went straight to the valet and took my car out to drive. By this time she'd be calling me telling me to come back but I guess she doesn't care about me today. 

I turn my music on blast and I start driving fast. I hear my car screeching when I turn around corners and slightly lose control of my car. I don't even care about what happens to me right now. It's quite late so there are barely any cars around meaning I can drive faster.

A while later I get a call from Vincent, disappointed it's not Savannah.

"Hey Theo, are you available tonight?" He says with joy.

"What's up?" I say bluntly, I can't even act fake happy right now.

"Relax man, meet me at the hotel, let's hang out."

I relax a bit. "Okay man, I'll let you know when I'm there."

I head back towards the hotel. When I arrive, I meet Vincent at the lobby with two of his guards. I forgot he owned the hotel. 

He takes me to one of the bars at the higher floors and as soon as we walk in everyones head turns towards us. The staff usher us towards a room at the back, this must be where all the important people go. The guards wait outside whilst Vincent and I and step inside.

"I'm so glad you managed to find a free moment to see me." Vincent says as he sits down, facing the door.

I sit down opposite him. "Yeah, you have been waiting a while since I arrived." 

"Only you'd make me wait Theo."

I fake laugh, I don't want to be here at all.

"You want anything to drink?" Vincent asks.

"I'm good man, thanks though."

"You can't leave my bar without a drink." He picks up his phone and begins to type on it. "I ordered you something new on the menu, you have to try it."

I smile whilst shaking my head but in my mind I'm angry, I don't want to be here, I don't want a drink. Fuck. I just want to punch someone right now.

A while later I hear the door behind me opens. 

"Ahh our drinks." Vincent rubs his hands together with a big smile on his face.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see a woman who's half naked. This fucking guy.

She has a drink in her hand and aims it towards me. I ignore her and move away from her so she's not touching me, then more women come into the room, surrounding Vincent and I. 

I keep my head down avoiding everyone and everything. "You've met my girlfriend." I say bluntly  to Vincent.

"Oh come on man, it's just a bit of fun."

"You do what you want but I'm not entertaining these things at all." I say disgustingly.

"It's not that bad, just look up and enjoy the moment." 

I ignore him and continue to look at the floor. 

"I can see you're quite bothered today, did you have an argument with your girlfriend? I just want you to relax and feel better."

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