13. Who Is She?

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Savannahs POV

As soon as I wake up, the memories from yesterday flood back to me. Ugh, what have I done?

I glance around the room and notice Theo is not there. I check my phone and don't see any messages from him. 

I don't think much of it, so I freshen up, leave my room and wander around the apartment. It's so quiet. Matt's door is open, so I can see nobody is in there.

I knock on Adam's and Rosannna's door. I hear Rosanna telling me to come in... this is going to be awkward.

As I open the door, she looks up from her phone and hesitates at first. "Oh, hey, are you okay?"

Seen as though I'm here, I might as well apologise. "Hey Rosanna, I just want to say how sorry I am for last night." 

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'm over it. I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have argued with you. I know you've been going through it lately."

"Don't apologise, honestly. It was all my fault. I've been acting so crazy this entire trip."

"It gets like that sometimes. Don't stress about it." Her lips form a soft and genuine smile.

"Thank you, you're so nice to me." 

"Aww, Sav. Hugs?" She suggests as she begins to emerge from her bed.

"Yeah, I need it." She embraces me tightly. I'm glad that we agree our friendship is more important than these petty arguments. "Do you know where the guys are?" I ask when we pull away.

"Oh my God, you won't believe it, but they ate breakfast without us. I'm pretty sure I heard Matt say he's sick of us."

I chuckle. "How dare they?"

"I know. I should've known something was up when they let us sleep in for once instead of forcing us up."

"Yeah, that's so true. Feels like I had the longest sleep today."

"Me too, they want a boys only day today." She pulls a face as she starts brushing her hair in the mirror.

"Perfect. We will have a girls only day."

"Ooo, good idea." She places her brush down on the table and turns to face me. "Are you ready? We have like forty minutes until breakfast is over. Thankfully, I set an alarm. Those guys wanted us to starve."

"I didn't even realise the time. Let's quickly go down and eat."

We grab our bags and hurry to the breakfast area. When we're seated, I keep getting flashbacks of when I met Dennis here last night. I try my best to block out the memory and not let it ruin my breakfast. 

When we finish eating, we head towards the beach and begin relaxing in the sun.

"Uh, Sav, is that Theo over there with a girl?" Rosanna questions.

I sit up immediately and begin looking around the beach. "Where?"

"Literally to your left, they're walking along the beach. Please tell me you see them. I'm not going to point because I don't want them to notice us."

I scan through the crowd to my left, and Rosanna is right. That looks exactly like Theo with a blonde haired girl just strolling along the beach talking together. I check my phone to see if he's texted me about a girl approaching him, and I see nothing. My heart drops, and I swallow a lump in my throat. "What do I do?" I ask Rosanna with my eyes still fixated on Theo.

"Um, I'm sure it's nothing. Do you recognise her? Or have the slightest idea of who she is?"

"No, he hasn't mentioned any girl in the hotel apart from workers, and she doesn't look like a worker to me." 

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