14. Deserved

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Savannah's POV

"Ugh, I don't know what to wear!" I sigh in frustration as I look into my wardrobe, struggling to decide what to wear to meet Emilia.

"Girl, stop stressing out. Let me help." Rosanna takes control and begins putting outfits together. "You're only going to have desserts together, so something casual would work." 

"But I don't want to be underdressed. She's Theo's sister. I want to make a good impression." 

Rosanna holds up a black sleeveless top and black leather trousers. "This is cute. You won't be overdressed or underdressed if you add a heel."

I picture the outfit, then nod my head in agreement. "Yeah, that'll work. Thanks, Rosanna, I wish you could come."

"Me too, but you both should get to know each other first."

"I know. I'm so nervous. What if she doesn't like me?" I question as I begin searching for my heels.

"She seems so nice. I'm sure she'll like you."

"But she might think I'm not good enough for him."

"Why would she think that? You and Theo are perfect for each other, and I'm sure she'll agree."

After finding my heels I collapse on the bed and exhale deeply. "I don't know."

"Hey, stop whatever this is. You'll be fine. Remember when you told me how much you wished you could meet his family? What other family does he have? We all know his mom is dead, his dad wants nothing to do with him, and his brother... " Rosanna pauses as she remembers what he did. "What better family member to meet apart from Emilia? She seems so sweet. You should be excited."

"I am excited. I just hope she likes me."

"I know she will. Just be yourself, and she'll love you."

"Thank you, Rosanna. I think I'm more nervous because Theo isn't here. He knows her best. He could've at least prepared me for what to expect."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. He set up the date with you and Emilia and then disappeared to go out with the guys. He did say he'd give you a ride to her, though, so I guess he will help you with the nerves then."

"Yeah, I'm glad he's doing that at least."

Eventually, with Rosanna's help, I am ready to meet Emilia. We sit together on the sofa, patiently waiting for Theo to return to the apartment so he can drive me.

The front door opens, and Matt walks through. He suddenly pauses at the doorway when he notices me. "Woah." He reacts with surprise.

"What?" Adam asks behind Matt while he pushes past him. "Oh." He expresses with no emotion as he realises it was towards me.

"What do you mean 'oh'? You're so rude." I reply

He approaches Rosanna. "Sorry, you caught me off guard. You look nice. Is that what you want to hear?" He sits next to her and drapes his arm around her shoulder.

"Not like that."

"What about like this? You look sexy, Sav." Matt voices playfully, to which Theo firmly punches his arm in response. "Fuck, that hurt, man." He winces in pain, rubbing the area while the rest of us burst into laughter.

"It was meant to." Theo bluntly states as he makes his way towards me.

"I was only joking."

Theo stops and turns to face Matt. "I don't care if it's a joke. It's not fucking funny."

When we realise Theo isn't joking, the vibe in the room turns serious.

"Relax, why are you so pissed off?"

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