Chapter 6

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Y/N's POV:

"Honey? I'm home!", I yell in a cheerful tone, masking my anxiety. Why was I so fearful? She's my girlfriend, she'll understand. She's never hit me. She's never pressurised me into anything. She's never made fun of me or pushed to know more about my family before the Olsen's. Yet, fear fluttered in my stomach. Why was I so scared? 

And there she stood. Dressed in her white airy summer dress. The dress that I bought for her when she turned 26 this year. I can never understand how she managed to baby me, even though she's only 2-3 years older than me. Quite frankly, it's a tad embarrassing for me. I could instantly see her clearly exhibited mood as molten anger and rage thrummed through her veins like lava. It was evident that she was pissed. So incensed that she may have even exploded. So livid that the explosion would be one of a supernova. So massive and powerful that anything standing in its path would and shall be destroyed.

"Syd, honey, I promise you it's not like that! Please just hear me out!"
"I don't want to hear it. I know what really happened. Don't lie to me, lover", she expressed coldly.
"I promise nothing happened! She's my best friend! I-"
"'I've known her for years, much longer than you, Syd. She's my best friend and you're just my girlfriend, Syd. Today, my precious 'Beth' crashed my car, but I don't care because she means so much to me, unlike you, Syd. I still sleep in the same bed with my best friend even though I'm not 8 anymore because I have the most massive crush on her, Syd. I love her more than you, Syd. She's the best and most important thing in my life, not you, Syd.' Sound familiar? No? Well, it should. Because that's what you sound like all the damn time"
"Sydney, stop. You don't know what you're saying-"
"No? I'm pretty sure I do. You chose me, the next best thing to Elizabeth, because you couldn't have her. We have the same hair, same eyes, we're the same height...the evidence is all there"

I stay silent. I don't know what to say. It's not true. Her face grew to that of regret and infatuation once again.

"I'm so sorry honey. I didn't mean it. I know that there's nothing going on between the two of you. I've just missed you"
"Oh, thank you! I promise there's only you"
"I know. Now come here honey and give me a hug"

I walk over to her outstretched arms as they invite me in for an embrace. But she puts her arms down. And her malicious expression is displayed on her face once again.

"You really think I meant that? You know what? I tried so hard to be there for you and protect you. But you are just too complicated for me to keep up with...that"

"Please...please don't say that. You don't mean that"
"Just get the fuck out of here"
"...this is my house..."
"Fine...don't call me when she cheats on you too"
"You didn't realise?"
"Syd, please don't say that. Please listen to me honey, we can make this work, right?"
"I tried to keep you safe, and I looked after you and I basically spoon-fed you all your successes. And this is what I get in return for basically being the mother you never had as well as a great girlfriend? Well go fuck yourself Y/N. Go cry to 'Beth' about it. I bet she's already on her way over now"

I stood there as a single tear ran down my cheek. "Oh, I'm so sorry Y/N. I didn't mean it honey", she said sympathetically as she made her way towards me to wipe my singular tear away. I stupidly took a step forward. "You really thought I'd just forgive you!?", she smiled sadistically and turned around on her heel.

And she walked out the door without saying another word, slamming the door as she left, making me jump. Beth almost immediately walked in and ran up to me, hugging me from behind as silent tears dripped down my face. It wasn't that I would miss her or would miss our relationship. It was the things she said to me. The words she called me. The fact that I thought she loved me. That the woman who I put so much effort and time into could just get up and leave, not caring about my feelings even in our final moments together as a couple and reminding me of my parentless childhood, whilst knowing my history.

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