Chapter 16

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Elizabeth's POV:

Being drunk at this party was overwhelming for me, regardless of the fact that we were in my own home. My social anxiety was amplified, and I could feel the panic creeping up on me. The noise, the crowd, the constant stimulation – it was simply all too much. I looked over at Y/N who was next to me, laughing at a joke someone had said and conversing so easily with everyone. Yet, here I was, desperately trying to fit in, to be a part of the laughter and conversations, but my mind was racing, filled with self-doubt and fear. The alcohol temporarily masked my anxiety, but deep down, I still felt trapped and claustrophobic. My heart was racing, my palms sweating, and my breathing becoming shallow. It was as if I was suffocating in a sea of people. This was meant to be a small party. Why would mom invite so many people? People from other movies, people from the boxing club, models, singers, people who didn't even know who I was; they were all here for Y/N. I wished I could've escaped, found solace in a quiet corner, but the fear of judgment kept me stuck. The party atmosphere that others find exciting and liberating only intensified my unease. I yearned for a way to calm my racing thoughts and escape this overwhelming situation.

My heart raced uncontrollably, threatening to burst from my chest, while my breathing became shallow and erratic. Every fibre of my being was consumed by fear and an overwhelming sense of dread. I needed to escape this suffocating atmosphere, so I stumbled towards the bathroom, desperate for some fresh air. Tears stung my eyes as I tried to regain control, feeling utterly alone in my turmoil. But then, I heard a gentle voice; my girlfriend's voice, calling out to me with concern and love. She found me, her touch a soothing balm against my trembling body. She held me close, whispering comforting words in my ear. With every breath, her presence helped me find my anchor amidst the storm. She reminded me that I'm not alone, and together we navigated through the waves of panic until they subsided, leaving me exhausted but grateful for her unwavering support.

Having calmed down and regained my regular heart rhythm, Y/N cooled me down with a cold, damp cloth to my wrists, neck and forehead. "I'm sorry, thank you Y/N", I mumbled my words of thanks, still feeling down and now embarrassed at my outburst. She simply shook her head, pulling my face up gently with her fingers under my chin so that I would look her in the eyes. "Never apologise for something you can't control, Beth. I will always be here to look after you. 'In sickness and in health'", she teased. But although I had only just calmed down (and I knew she was only teasing me), my heart rate elevated once again at the thought of my girlfriend turn wife in a tuxedo, her defined muscles exposed, even through the material. "Kiss me", I demanded, making Y/N laugh. I frowned; "What's so funny? Don't you want to kiss me?" "Oh my Lord, of course I want to kiss you!", she continued laughing. "It's just that you sounded a bit like Pennywise from 'IT'. You know, when it goes 'Kiss me fat boy'?"

"Are you telling me I look like Pennywise?" Her face fell and she dropped to the floor, engulfing me in her arms. "Absolutely not princess! Never! I didn't mean for it to come across as I was saying such a thing! You are as stunning as Elizabeth Olsen!", she tells me, peppering kisses all over my face which made me smile. It's funny messing with her sometimes because she never truly realises that I am teasing her until our conversation is so ridiculous that it is almost unbelievable for two (seemingly) normal people to have such a weird interaction. "Sweetie, I am Elizabeth Olsen", I say in pure confusion, tilting my head and looking in her eyes to check that my girlfriend hasn't actually lost it. She smiles. "I know and that's why I said it. Because nobody is as beautiful as Elizabeth Olsen! But here I sit, with Elizabeth Olsen sat in front of me as my girlfriend. You are the epitome of ethereal, Beth. I am so lucky" I blushed.

"Shall we go back to the party? People might think we've just gone to go fuck in the bathroom", Y/N offers, wiggling her eyebrows at me suggestively, earning a tap to the shoulder. It's so hard not to laugh with her. She makes me laugh until my sides hurt and my face burns from such a wide smile. She makes me happy. She manages to so effortlessly put a smile on my face, even after something bad has happened. I nodded in a short reply, still smiling as wide as the Cheshire cat. "Come on. I want to show my gorgeous girlfriend off" She stood up before pulling me up by my hands and showing me back out to the party and out to the pool where people were in and around the pool, drinking, talking and enjoying themselves.

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