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Skye’s POV


“Skye! You’re finally home” I heard my mom before I saw her, “You’ll never guess what happened when I woke up today” she screamed as she barrelled around the corner and hugged me. I smiled, it was so good to be home, even if it was just for a few days, and I knew exactly what had happened today, Paul had proposed. He had asked me if it was ok a few weeks back, and of course I said yes, but I didn’t want to steal her thunder. “What happened today?” I asked innocently as she released me from her bear hug and thrust her left hand in my face. I grabbed it to steady her hand so I could inspect the ring, “Paul proposed” she squealed. I grinned even more, she was so excited and her mood was infectious, making me start giggling. We spent the rest of the morning preparing our Thanksgiving dinner, which basically entailed me cooking and mom sitting at the kitchen counter gushing about her dream wedding. “I am having yellow as my colour, so you’ll be wearing yellow Skye. And yellow flowers and I want it on the beach, or the park, or maybe we should go away somewhere” she rambled. Once everything was in the oven I went upstairs to take a quick shower, I had left school so early this morning that I had skipped my morning shower.

I just stood under the hot water, enjoying being back in my own shower and not communal ones. I started thinking about my mom, I enjoyed seeing her like this and I wondered if I would ever be this excited to get married, making my thoughts switch to Wesley. Just the thought of him made me giddy, was it possible I had found the guy I was going to marry in my very first boyfriend, I questioned myself. I ran through more questions, did I want to get married, did I want to marry Wesley, did I want to be with him forever? I got a warm, tingly feeling just thinking about it, the answer to all those questions was an emphatic YES. It was a moment of clarity, despite the few arguments we had engaged in recently and the potential issues we would face once he finished on X-Factor, I knew without a doubt that Wesley was the one for me. The idea excited me, but also terrified me, what if Wesley didn’t feel the same, what if he never thought of this stuff, we were both still so young. It’s not like I want to get married anytime soon but how do you know if your boyfriend sees a future with you, without sounding needy and just asking him? Ugh, this is when I still felt like such an inexperienced awkward girl, when I had moments of panic about our relationship, and this wasn’t something I was going to talk about with him. I had gotten better at speaking my mind but I knew better than to freak him out with this.

After we had finished eating, mom, Paul and I settled in on the couch to watch the X-Factor live results show. I had made a point of staying away from most of the live shows, it was more a time for him to be with his family and Drew and Keaton. I had been to a couple but the bitter sweet feeling of having so many girls screaming at your boyfriend was too much for me. I loved that they had support, and I didn’t blame any of them for swooning but this was my first boyfriend and I wasn’t sure how to react to this new found fame Wesley was acquiring. But I never missed a show on TV and I always texted him leading up to the show and right after, telling him how amazing he had done or how I was sure they’d get through. I was always on the edge of my seat during results shows, because despite my confidence in them, it was just so nerve racking. As I suspected, they got through and I sent him a congratulatory text, ‘Told you ;)  Love you!!’. I watched a little more TV with mum and Paul before they excused themselves to go to bed, and the I sighed over a soppy Lifetime movie before eventually heading upstairs to my room. I slid into bed completely exhausted from the excitement of the day and from stuffing my face full of food, it only took me a few minutes to fall asleep.

‘Bzzzzz, bzzzz’ my phone vibrating on my night stand woke me up and I sleepily reached over to see who was texting me. I unlocked it to find a couple of texts from Wesley, the first informing me he was coming to see me, the second advising he was on his way and the last one read, ‘Come downstairs and let me in’. My heart raced, I wanted to see him so bad and I couldn’t believe he had driven to HB this late, but I was ecstatic that he had. I jumped out of bed and flew down the stairs, opening the door slowly and quietly so as not to wake mom and Paul. Wesley slipped in, grabbed my hand and without a word led me back upstairs to my bedroom. I was still half asleep but so excited to see him and I just followed him happily, taking in the sight of him from behind. Once we were inside my room Wesley closed the door and pulled me into a hug, I didn’t mind being pressed tightly into his chest, resting my cheek on the soft cotton of his tshirt and breathing him in. We stood like this for a few minutes until finally he released me and sat on my bed, I gave him a quizzical look which just made him grin. “What are you doing here” I asked him, “I love that you’re here but it’s so unexpected. I thought we weren’t seeing each other til the weekend?” I finished. The grin stayed on his face as he looked up at me from where he was sitting on my bed, “I just needed to see you” he admitted, making me match his grin.

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