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Wesley's POV


"Wesley! I'm here, I'm fine" I hear Skye yell at me as I run frantically down the hospital corridor, stopping suddenly when I hear her voice. My heart is racing and I am out of breath and I am relieved to see her standing there, down the corridor, in one piece. My mind hadn't stopped playing out worst case scenario's since her mom had called me half an hour ago. Even though her mom had made it clear Skye was fine, I needed to see for myself. I rushed over to her, noticing that she had a cast on her left arm some of my dread came back, she did get hurt. Skye watched with an amused look on her face as I stopped a few feet away from her, I wasn't sure what other injuries she had gotten and I didn't want to hurt her. She closed the gap between us in a few steps, taking my face in her hands and smirking at me. "I'm fine, I swear" she said softly. I glanced sideways at the cast that I could see on her left arm and raised my eyebrows, she was clearly not fine. She giggled, which took away some of the anxiety I was feeling, "Ok, ok, I fractured my arm but it doesn't hurt" Skye waved her left arm around as she spoke. She seemed way too careless, I gently grabbed her left hand to stop her shaking around her broken arm, "Stop that" I insisted. I held her hand in mine and inspected her cast, I was actually kind of in shock at how much seeing Skye hurt was causing me physical pain. We had only been together for a few months, but it kind of made it hit home exactly how much I loved her.

"It's about time she broke a bone" I heard Skye's mom from behind me, and turned to see her smiling as well. Was this whole family just super relaxed about injuries, and then it registered that she said it was about time Skye broke a bone. "You've never broken a bone before?" I asked, my head snapping back to look at Skye. She shook her head and I was even more amazed at how calm she was. "Nope, she has been a late bloomer in all aspects it seems" Phoebe stood beside me and threw her arm around my shoulder. Skye rolled her eyes as her mom continued, "Broken bones, boys, driving" and Skye cut her off, "See what happens when people drive" Skye quipped raising her casted arm again. The two of them started walking down the hall, Skye quickly switching to stand on my left side so she could hold my hand with her right one. "No Skye, that's what happens when you run up the ass of another car when you don't listen to your mom who is giving you a driving lesson" Phoebe joked. "Whatever" Skye snapped, "This is why I don't want to learn how to drive, I'll just stick with my bike thanks".

Her mom looked at me, but I already learnt to avoid getting in the middle of their disagreements, plus this kind of thing happened when Skye drove so I was totally fine if she never drove again. After she realised I was wise enough to keep my mouth shut her mom asked if I was taking Skye home. I looked to Skye who nodded, "How will you get home?" I asked Phoebe, not sure what had happened to her car. "I called Paul, he'll be here in a few minutes" she explained and gave Skye a quick hug. Skye headed towards the parking complex as Phoebe pulled me in for a hug, catching me off guard, "Keep her safe" she whispered. And for the first time I realised she was staying calm for Skye's sake but the idea of seeing Skye injured affected her like it did me. She didn't need to remind me to keep her safe, it was all I ever wanted to do but the fact she trusted me to meant a lot. I loved this family and I felt like a part of it, and I wanted to be a part of it. A car horn beeped and we looked to see Paul's car pulling up at the curb, "I will" I told her quickly and she disappeared into Paul's car.

I jogged to catch up to Skye and once beside her I took her right hand in mine again. "It sucks you'll be in a cast for the last bit of the summer" I sympathised. The summer had been so amazing and I didn't want this to spoil our last couple of weeks of vacation before she went off to UCLA. She smiled at me, "The doctor said I only have to have it on for two weeks. Really Wesley, it's not that bad", Skye insisted and I knew she was still trying to reassure me. We walked towards the car, "But it does mean that I've officially given up on learning how to drive" she admitted, "So you'll have to keep picking me up when we go places" she finished with a grin. I stopped at the passenger door to open it for her, the idea that she needed me to pick her up, needed me in any capacity, made me feel giddy. I smiled and kissed her quickly on the lips, "That's fine with me" I told her as she slid into the car. I walked to the drivers side, opened the door and slid in, as Skye put on her seatbelt. I watched as she winced when she yanked the seatbelt with her left hand, I only just now realised that she had broken her left hand and she was left handed. I grabbed the seatbelt from her, annoyed she wasn't being more careful, "You'll have to start using your right hand" I snapped at her as I fastened her seat belt. She laughed, "Looks like you'll need to do more than just drive me places" she said gesturing to her seatbelt. She leaned towards me, "Thank you" she whispered and I could feel her breath on my lips. "You're just lucky I like taking care of you" I smirked and closed the gap between our lips.


"Wes, Wes. Wake up" a soft voice pulled me out of my dream filled sleep, and the nightmare of the past few days rushed back to me. I was in Skye's room, in a hospital, waiting for her to wake up, waiting for over 2 days now. All the dread and anxiety and pain coursed through me, and horrible thoughts gnawed at me. I looked around, Taylor and Lincoln had both arrived since I fell asleep, and I was too tired and worried to even care that I hated Lincoln. It was Taylor who woke me, "Drew says you have to be home asap, they are ready to leave" she said softly. My stomach dropped, the radio promo tour, I couldn't believe I had to leave Skye before she woke up but we had just been told we had to do a week's worth of radio interviews to promote the album. 'If she wakes up' my inner voice pointed out, I shook my head, I couldn't think like that. The doctors had said there was a good chance she'd wake up in the next few days, and I had to believe that or I'd barely be able to function. I looked over at Skye, her left leg was in a cast and raised in a harness, her left arm was in a cast and she had scratches and bruises all down her left side. I had to stop myself from looking too hard at her injuries or thinking how she got them, it made me want to throw up.

I had just been sitting there after Taylor text me to tell me Skye was on her way home, waiting for her, when her mom got the call. It felt like so long ago, but it had only been two days. Sure they were the worst two days of my whole life, I felt so helpless as I just sat here waiting for her to wake up. And I felt so guilty that she had run to see Taylor in the first place because of me pressuring her into answering my proposal. If I had just given her some space and time then she wouldn't have needed to sneak out and talk to Taylor. "Hey Taylor" my voice was croaky from the recent sleep and two days of crying, "What did Skye come to talk to you about?" I asked. Taylor placed her hand on my shoulder, "What I thought she should say to you" Taylor confirmed my fear that she had in fact been at Taylor's because of me. I hung my head, "She was on her way home to answer your question" Taylor explained and I looked up at her, desperate to know what Skye's answer was going to be.

"Answer what question?" Skye's mom asked as she bustled into the room, I tensed, this is not how she should find out. "Ummmm" I panicked, not knowing what to say and my mind was too drained to think of a lie. Taylor cut me off, "Wes, she deserves a bit of good news" and before I could respond she carried on. "Wes proposed to Skye, she was on her way home to answer him when the accident happened" Taylor gushed. I ignored Lincoln's pained gasp and watched as her mom smiled at me, despite everything this had managed to cheer her up a bit. "And what was Skye going to say?" Phoebe questioned Taylor, and Taylor shook her head. "I think Skye should be the one to tell Wes when she wakes up", she kept a straight face, giving no indication of whether it was good news or bad news for me. At this point the answer didn't matter, she just had to wake up and that would be enough. I was so impressed that Skye's mom had handled everything so well, there had been a few times when we had consoled each other but generally she had stayed optimistic.

"Skye is going to want her own pj's when she wakes up" Phoebe announced after she kissed Skye on the forehead and straightened her blanket. "I'll go get her things from your house" I offered, standing up, feeling my tight muscles from sitting down all day. "Wes, you have to go home" Taylor reminded me, forcing me to remember that I had to leave Skye for the next week. "Damn it" I blurted out in frustration, and my anger was only magnified when Lincoln offered to go to the house and get Skye's things. I hated that he was going to be there when she woke up and I wasn't, and I reminded myself that punching him whilst we were in a hospital waiting for Skye to wake up was probably bad form. Skye's mom listed off things for Lincoln to bring, pj's, her phone, toothbrush etc and he scurried off. I moved to the edge of Skye's bed, willing her to wake up so I could tell her I was sorry and that I loved her before I had to leave. I ran my fingers over her cheek and bent down to kiss her forehead, my stomach churning and my eyes filling with tears. "I'll call you as soon as she wakes up Wes" her mom told me as I took one last look at Skye. I just nodded then hugged her mom then Taylor before exiting the room, back on the road for a week then I can come home and hear what Skye's answer is or was going to be.

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