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Skye's POV

I could feel a smile spreading cross my face before I was even fully awake, I stretched out, my muscles a bit fatigued after last nights amazing events. I reached my arm across, waiting for my hand to feel bare skin, but it just hit empty bed. My eyes sprang open in panic and I sat up, I looked around, I was alone in my room. My heart raced with questions, where was Wesley, had he left, was last night a mistake. I replayed last night in my mind, it had been amazing, had I dreamt it all? It was all such a blur that I couldn't even make out if it was real or just an amazing vivid dream. My heart sank, either way, Wesley wasn't here and a lump began to rise in my throat. I threw my head back on the bed in frustration, I knew I would regret telling Wesley the real reason I broke up with him. I just didn't realise it would be because he bailed on me the morning after we got together. I screwed my eyes shut tightly, imagining him sneaking out early this morning, the thought made me so mad but it also cut pretty deep. That he would leave without saying anything after he had been so insistent that we get back together. I knew from the other side of things the only reason someone would sneak out in the morning was because they regretted what they did the night before.


I looked over at Lincoln sleeping next to me, I was instantly filled with regret and anger at my self. I hadn't meant to end up in Lincoln's bed, he was just a friend but too much tequila and too much heart ache will make a girl do stupid things. I had thought drinking would take my mind of what had happened during Spring break last week but it just made me more miserable, which led to more tequila shots. Lincoln had been so good taking care of me, sitting with me on the bathroom floor while I vomited for what felt like hours. He had brought me water and given me a tshirt to wear and rubbed my throbbing head while I laid on his bed. I knew he liked me and it had felt so nice to have someone care about me so much, and in my still drunken state I hadn't stopped him when he tried to kiss me. I tensed, remembering him kissing me just a few hours ago, I should have stopped him but I didn't. He had told me how much he liked me, how much he wanted me and I had just given in to it. The room was still dark so it was almost impossible to locate all of my clothes, and I was making every effort to be as quiet as possible. I really couldn't have a conversation with Linc right now, how could I explain it was a mistake without him hating me. I threw Lincoln's tshirt back on and grabbed what I could find of my clothes and tip toed towards his door, just praying no one would be in the hallway of his residence building.


"Hey beautiful. You're awake" Wesley's voice scared me, and ripped me from my awful memory. I sat up to see him standing in the door way, dripping wet, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I was filled with endless amounts of emotion, relief that he was here, guilt about Lincoln, anger at my self, love for Wesley. Wesley must have noticed my inner conflict, "What's wrong?" he said, sitting next to me on the bed, a few stray drops of water dropping onto the bed spread. I wanted to be back with Wesley more than anything but I couldn't start a relationship again without telling him the truth. "I did something while we were broken up" I whispered, feeling sick, my palms getting sweaty. I already knew Wesley hated Linc because we had made out a few times before we got together last year and he wasn't thrilled we were still friends, so this wasn't going to go down well. Wesley pulled his brows together, looking at me anxiously as I continued to speak, "And you're not going to like it. But I think if we are going to get back together then you should know". Wesley stood up and took a few steps away from the bed, like the distance from me made it easier for him to hear what was coming. I suspected he already knew what I was going to say, "Skye. Don't tell me something that I'm not going to want to hear" he urged me quietly, looking down at me. I took a deep breath and tried to calm the butterflies thrashing in my stomach, "I slept with Lincoln" I admitted. 

Wesley's head dropped, he stared at the ground for what felt like ages, making me more and more nervous. "Please tell me what you're thinking Wesley" I mumbled softly, sensing the irony in this situation. "When?" was all he uttered, still looking at the carpet, "Right after Spring break" I braced for his reaction. I watched as he balled his fists and slowly raised his head to look at me, he was angry, "So right after you slept with me you ran to Lincoln and had sex with him too?" he spat. I knew how it looked, I already felt guilty enough, but I had to make him see my point of view. "Wesley, I was devastated after Spring break, I wanted to be with you more than anything. I wasn't coping well, I got drunk, Lincoln took care of me and it just happened. I'm sorry, it was a mistake" I rushed through my apology, hoping it was enough, hoping he wouldn't leave. Tears filled my eyes as he started to get dressed, I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. His face was blank, I couldn't tell what he was thinking, if he even wanted to be with me anymore. "Please don't leave" I said with a shaky voice, "The 5 months without you were the worst of my life, so be mad at me but don't leave" I whispered through held back sobs.

'Knock, knock, knock', someone banging on the door interrupts us. I quickly wipe the tears from my cheeks as I stand and look for clothes to throw on. "I'll get it" Wesley huffs as he disappears down the hall. I take this short break to regain my composure, I know hearing that I slept with Lincoln must have hurt Wesley but I didn't cheat on him so he can't be mad forever. I suck back a few breaths, tie my hair up quickly and head down the stairs. About half way down the stairs I can hear banging and grunting and then finally Wesley's voice yelling, "KEEP YOUR GOD DAMN HANDS OFF HER". I sprint down the remaining stairs and round the corner to the front door to see Wesley and Lincoln on the ground. The are rolling around, swinging at each other, Wesley has a cut above his eye and Lincoln's nose is bleeding. Panic fills me, seeing Wesley hurt and knowing he's doing this because of me. My heart is thumping, I can hear it in my ears, tears are streaming down my face again and I don't know what to do. I rush to where Wesley is straddling Lincoln and about to pummel his face, grabbing his hand, "Stop" I scream. Wesley snaps to look at me, his face still full of rage but surprisingly he listens and gets up, storming off to the kitchen. I kneel down to see if Lincoln is ok, his lip is cut up and his nose is bleeding, "Are you alright?" I ask him gently. He smiles his stupid smile, the one that makes all the girls blush, "I'm guessing you told him about us?" he smirks.

I stand up and take a few steps back, "There is no us Linc. But yes I told him we slept together" I respond. He springs up and moves to stand right in front of me, "There could be an us" he offers quietly, "Tell me you didn't enjoy that night. Tell me you don't have feelings for me at all". For once I don't even have to think about my response, "Linc, we shouldn't have slept together. I'm sorry but I love Wesley. You know this, you've always known this. You're the only reason I survived my break up with him, you're one of my best friends", I just rambled, tears still falling onto my cheeks, hoping he wouldn't hate me. I felt like all morning I had just been disappointing people and praying they wouldn't hate me. Lincoln reached out to me, pulling me into a hug, "It's ok, it's ok" he soothed me, and I felt a little better. Lincoln let me go and turned to leave, "But if he ever messes up, I'll be here" he added loudly, so Wesley could hear from the kitchen, then let himself out the front door. I waited a minute before going into the kitchen, I needed to clear my head and calm myself before I went in there. I wasn't ready for this to be over again but if it was going to be then I was going to delay it as long as possible.

When I entered the kitchen Wesley was sitting on the counter, just staring at the wall and breathing deeply. I made my way to the cupboard to get a cloth, wetting it then moving to where Wesley was sitting silently. I stood between his legs and brushed back his hair with one hand, while placing the wet cloth on his cut with the other. We were like this for a few minutes, eventually I removed the cloth and went to get some antiseptic cream. Wesley reached and grabbed my hand as I walked away, stopping me in my tracks and pulling me back to stand in front of him. I placed my hands on his legs and looked up at him, waiting for whatever it was he had to say. "I hate what you did" he started and I flinched, "But I don't hate you" he continued. "I love you Skye, I want to be with you, I don't want to be without you anymore" he added softly as he slid off the bench, I finally relaxed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, looking down at me as I just gazed up at him lovingly. "Lincoln is always going to be a sore spot between us though" he said warily, I nodded, knowing that the damage was done. "Wesley, I want to be with you and only you, I am so sorry, I'll do whatever you want to make it up to you" I offered, hoping he wouldn't ask me not to see Linc anymore but willing to if he did. A grin spread across his face, he had a glint in his eye as he began to speak, "Marry me".

Broken (a Wesley Stromberg fan fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora