Twenty One

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Skye's POV

I was sitting on the couch in the living room sobbing, I had been since I got home from the hospital three days ago. I heard mom rustling around in her bedroom and I knew she was almost ready to go to work. I wiped my face and painfully moved to lay down, closing my eyes and pretending to be asleep. A few minutes later I heard mom walk into the living room, moments later her hand brushed my forehead, "Skye" she whispered. I pretended as if I was just waking up, looking up at her sleepily. "I'm off to work now. How are you feeling?" she scanned my casts and waited anxiously for me to reply. I flashed her a sleepy grin, "Better than yesterday" I lied and she bent to kiss my head. She was super busy at work and finalising wedding details so she really didn't need to be worried about me and my moping right now. I waited for her to gather up her stuff for work and disappear out the front door, before I sat up again. Sitting up was much harder than it should have been, everything was much harder than it should have been. I took a deep breath in an attempt to shake off this awful feeling of despair, forgetting my cracked ribs, wincing as stabbing pain shot down my left side. I knew I was just feeling sorry for myself, feeling sorry that I was so restricted, sorry that I was missing the summer but mostly sorry that I didn't have Wesley.

There was a knock at the door, I knew Taylor had wanted to stop by and I cursed my mom for locking the front door meaning I had to get up and let her in. I struggled off the couch, suddenly embarrassed that I hadn't showered in almost three days, but it was too late now. I headed for the door, leaving my crutches behind, knowing I could get to the door faster by hopping. Each hop sent a wave of pain down my left side but at this point everything I did hurt so I was used to it. I unlocked the door and yanked it open, "You look like shit" Taylor greeted me. I smirked at her and began the journey back to the couch, taking up my spot underneath the air conditioning. "It's hot today hey?" I mentioned, hoping to keep the conversation light. Taylor glanced around the room, "It's sunny, which you'd know if you opened the curtains" she criticised. "Tay I'm sore and I'm sleepy, please don't give me a hard time" I whinged. She kept looking around, but held back her snide comments on how I had been sitting in the same spot the last time she saw me. Her eyes finally settled on me, looking me up and down, concern filling her face.

"Have you eaten?" she asked me, and I knew if I told her the truth, that I couldn't be bothered eating and nothing appealed to me, that she would force me to eat something. "Of course" I laughed, "It's the best thing about this whole situation, my mom lets me eat ice cream for every meal" I was so impressed with my story telling. "Have you slept?" she was on the ball, I hadn't slept in days. I just couldn't, every time I tried I either saw the accident or Wesley, both were painful memories. I nodded, "Are you wearing Wes's tank?" she grilled me, I looked down and remembered that I was. "Tay, stop with the third degree" I snapped and she held up her hands in defeat. "It's just weird that you would wear his tank after you turned down his proposal" she explained gently. I had been wearing one of his shirts since I got home, she just hadn't noticed when she visited 2 days ago. I shrugged, "Just because we decided to break up doesn't mean his clothes aren't comfy" I mused. Taylor raised her eyebrows, "We" she questioned me, "I thought it was your idea to break up with him". I rolled my eyes, "Calm down Sherlock Holmes. Stop reading into everything I say and do" and I watched as she dug her phone out of her bag. It had distracted her from the topic at hand, which was fine with me.

"Who is it?" I asked when she had finished reading the text. "Drew" she said, shoving her phone back in her bag, "He wants me to go over. I bet Wes wants the goss on you" she scoffed."He is cute though" she sighed, and I knew she wanted to see him. "You should go see him Tay. No point both of us being stuck in here. Plus I have to go change and freshen up etc, which usually takes me a while" I shot her a big grin. She stood up, "You need help" she asked me, I shook my head and pointed towards the front door, signalling for her to get out. "Go" I laughed, "But Tay, just don't tell Wesley...." I trailed off, wanting to ask her not to tell Wesley I was unbearable sad but then I'd have to admit to her I was unbearably sad. "I'm wearing his clothes" I quickly added hoping she didn't notice my pause. "Love you kiddo" she called to me as she closed the door behind her. Finally I was alone to be depressed, I was sick of pretending I was fine, I was sad and I felt hollow. I laid back on the couch, closing my eyes, willing myself to finally fall asleep but it only took a few seconds for me to see the car pulling out from the side street. My eyes shot open, "Damn it" I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, pulling on the hem of Wesley's tank, cursing myself for letting Taylor see me wearing it.


"Staaaaay" Wesley pleads with me, as we finish unpacking his stuff at his new apartment with the guys. I laugh, he had been trying to convince me all day and he wasn't far from convincing me. I didn't even really need much convincing, I loved being with him and I wanted to spend the first night in his new place with him. "Don't you want to spend the night with the guys, settling in at your new place" I asked him, as he shook his head. "I want to spend my first night here with you" he whined, walking over to close his bedroom door. I glanced at the clock, it was just after 10pm so if I was going to get Wesley to drop me back at school, I had to decide asap. "Pleeeeease" Wesley continued, as he moved to stand in front of me, "I just want to sleep with you on my first night here" he stated. I raised my eyebrows, making him laugh, "No actually sleep, I want you to spend my first night with me here" he clarified, "Asleep" he added. I grinned and I knew he could tell he had won me over, he reached for the hem of my singlet. I let him pull it off over my head and watched as he did the same with his tank. He placed his tank over my head and I slipped my arms in it and then undid the button on my jeans, slipping them off from under his tank. "God, seeing you wear my clothes is so hot" he gushed as I crawled up his bed, towards the pillows. "Sleep" I reminded him as I wiggled my legs under the blanket, "I don't remember agreeing to only sleeping" he responded cheekily, winking at me.


'Bang, bang, bang', a loud knocking at the door startled me and seeing as Taylor had already visited I had no idea who it could be. I looked at my phone, Taylor had left almost an hour ago so it could be her coming back to report in on what Wesley had said. I dragged my ass off the couch, wondering if maybe Lucy had changed her mind and decided to come home instead of spending the summer at her new boyfriends place in Houston. I silently prayed it wasn't, it would take forever to catch her up and explain everything and I didn't have the energy to pretend I was fine for another person. And I was unsure of how to tell her that I slept with her brother, mentally cursing myself for ever doing that to Wesley. Despite the fact we were broken up at the time, I had never fully forgiven myself for being such an idiot and hurting him like that. It was what eventually led to him proposing, and I felt sick when I thought about how quickly Wesley had been to regret that. I finally got to the door, realising it was unlocked, wishing I had just told whoever it was to come in. I was exhausted and I had only hopped a short distance, I mustered my energy and slowly pulled open the door. My heart leapt into my throat at the sight of Wesley, he was looking down and I just wanted him to hug me, the hollowness inside me filled with feelings of love. "Wesley, what are you doing here?" I asked warily, causing him to look up from the ground. His face changed when our eyes met, he looked shocked and annoyed, and I panicked, wanting to close the door again.

Broken (a Wesley Stromberg fan fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora