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Wesley's POV

I had been home for three days and spent most of that time in my room, just thinking, playing music and sleeping. I told Drew and Keats it was because I was tired after our week of interviews, saying I didn't sleep much on the bus. But really I was just miserable, I had no right to reach out to Skye and without being able to talk to her, I had no idea how to get past this. I needed to know if she was ok, to know if she needed anything, to make sure her and her mom could afford all the medical bills. It had been a week since she had text me, essentially telling me she blamed me for everything. I was still shocked she would even say that to me, even despite the fact I knew it to be true. It didn't change the fact that I loved her and missed her but it did make me act stupidly during our last TV interview. I regretted saying I was single, admitting that love had eluded me, airing my personal issues with Skye's feelings for me on national TV. At the time I had been stewing on the news that she blamed me and wanted nothing to do with me for 3 days, I was angry she thought that I could ever do anything that I thought would end in her getting hurt. Now all the anger had subsided and I was just left with regret, guilt and sadness.

There was light knock on my door, I looked up from my place lying on the bed to see Drew poke his head in. "You ok man? You've been in here since we got home" he sounded concerned and I gestured for him to come in. I sat up as Drew sat down on the end of the bed, "What's up dude?" he asked softly. I didn't know where to start, obviously this was to do with Skye breaking up with me but it was more than that. "I've seen you post Skye break up before, but it was nowhere near as bad as this" Drew broke the silence and I raised my hands to my face, rubbing my eyes. "I proposed to her" I mumbled from behind my hands, "What?" Drew exclaimed, "You did what?". I lowered my hands to look at him, nodding to confirm what he had heard, "Yep, proposed" I reiterated. Drew looked shocked and smiled until the realisation hit him, "And she said no" he almost whispered, starting to understand my recent behaviour. "It was before her accident, she was on her way to answer me when she got hit" I admitted to him. Not wanting to dwell on that fact I carried on quickly, "And when she woke up, she text me saying her answer was no and that she wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me".

"Whoa" Drew started, "That's heavy man" he said thoughtfully, clearly trying to wrap his head around what I had just told him. After a short while he began to talk again, "But surely she didn't mean the accident, she wouldn't say she blamed you for that". I sighed and looked at him knowingly, waiting for him to come to the conclusion that is in fact what she meant. He raised his eyebrows, "Dude, this is Skye we are talking about. She is essentially the most thoughtful person on the planet. She would never accuse anyone of that, especially not you" he defended Skye. "Well she did, and now she doesn't want to see or speak to me" I threw myself back on my bed, "I'm going insane man" I confided in him. We stayed in silence, 'I will be better off without you', her text message played on my mind, I couldn't accept the fact that she was right. "I could ask Taylor to come over" Drew suggested, his tone a little bit more upbeat. I raised my head to look at him, not sure how him flirting with Taylor was going to help me right now. Drew rolled his eyes at me, "For info on Skye" he stated, "You can ask her how Skye is and she if she knows what is going on in Skye's head right now". I sprang up and off the bed, "Drew, you are a freaking genius" I shook his shoulders, "I'll go take a shower". I headed off towards the bathroom, "It's about time" Drew called after me, mocking me but I didn't care. Maybe Taylor could answer some of my gnawing questions, even just an update on Skye would be enough. My body ached as I stood under the hot water, I hadn't been to the gym in nearly two weeks.


"I can't believe you actually choose to do this" Skye whined as she sat on the bench press, not even pretending to be working out. I smiled at her, she had insisted on coming to the gym with me even though I told her she'd hate it. She was stubborn and insisted that it might be something she could learn to like. I wasn't complaining, I looked her up and down, tight black gym short shorts and singlet and I was grateful Taylor had convinced her all girls worked out in this get up. "I told you that you wouldn't enjoy it here" I reminded her. She was watching me intently as I worked out, "I don't know, I'm enjoying the view" she giggled and winked at me. "And I appreciate the results it brings you that I get to enjoy" she added as she strolled over to one of the fit balls. My appreciation of her outfit quickly faded as I noticed a handful of other guys in the gym watching her walk across the room. One of them even walking over to her and attempting to start up a conversation, "This is the first time I've seen you here" I overheard him say. "I'd remember if you were here before" I grimaced at how cheesy he sounded, but I still didn't like him hitting on her. I put down the weights in my hands and grabbed my water bottle, intending to go over and make it known I was her boyfriend. "I came with my boyfriend" Skye told him straight and pointed in my direction. She smiled at me, stopping me in my tracks, she clearly had this situation under control. I felt warm inside hearing her shut down this guy and immediately point out I was her boyfriend. She smiled at the guy and then turned, walking to meet me, not stopping as she passed by me. I watched as she headed towards the exit, "Let's go hit the showers Stromberg" she called over her shoulder.


I would have given anything to be in that shower situation again but I was here, alone and miserable. I stretched out my neck, I had been sleeping on hospital chairs, tour buses and now not even getting out of bed. I looked and felt like crap, but the idea of speaking with Taylor and this shower had perked me up a bit. I washed my hair, rinsed off and hopped out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I shook out my hair and made my way back to my room to get dressed. I finally made my bed, straightened my room and strummed on my acoustic guitar while I waited for Taylor to arrive. After what felt like hours Drew finally shouted from downstairs that she was here, I threw my guitar on my bed and I raced down the stairs. I heard Drew greeting Taylor, "You look good" he wasted no time with the smooth talk, I rolled my eyes and waited before entering the living room. "I'm not stupid Drew, you didn't invite me here to hit on me" she clearly knew what we were up to. "What do you mean?" Drew exaggerated innocence, making Taylor giggle, "You're a terrible actor Chadwick" she accused him. "So where is he?" she continued, "Wes, where is Wes?" and I sheepishly emerged from my hiding spot and stepped into the living room.

Taylor turned to look at me, her face dropped, "Damn Wes, you look almost as bad as Skye" she blurted out. "Gee thanks Taylor" I feigned taking offense but quickly picked up that she had mentioned Skye, "Wait, what? What do you mean as bad as Skye?". I was impatient for information, "Taylor" I snapped, "You gotta tell me how she is" I begged her. Taylor looked at me sympathetically, "I'll tell you about her medically but I'm not ratting out my best friend as far as relationship stuff goes Wes" she insisted. I'd take what I could get at this point, "Fine, fine" I confirmed and sat down on the couch, waiting eagerly for any info Taylor would provide. Taylor sighed reluctantly, "She's not great Wes" her tone sombre and my heart sank. "She can't walk on her left leg, she can't use her left arm and her cuts aren't healing because I don't think she's looking after herself properly" Taylor rushed out the details, each new piece of info making me feel worse. Everything in me wanted to go to Skye but she didn't want that and I felt powerless. "I know..." Taylor started to speak but stopped herself, "What?" I pleaded with her to go on. "Nothing" she looked conflicted, "Taylor please" I begged. Taylor drew in a deep breath, "I know she's pretty banged up but Skye isn't one to get depressed. She says she's fine, but I'm worried about her Wes" Taylor's eyes filled with tears as she spoke. "Her mom is worried too, Skye won't let her help her with anything", Taylor began to cry.

That was enough for me, I didn't care if she didn't want to see me or even if she hated me. She didn't need to love me for me to want to help her, to take care of her, I loved her too much to sit around while she was miserable. I stood up swiftly, "Where are you going bro?" Drew quizzed me as I headed for the front door. "I have to see her" I yelled over my shoulder as I yanked open the front door, slamming it behind me. I sped to her house, not able to think of anything other than making sure she was ok. I screeched into her drive way and raced up the path to her front door. My heart was racing as I banged on the door, doubts started to creep in that maybe this wasn't the best idea. What if she hates me, what if Lincoln is here, what if she doesn't answer the door. I heard movement from behind the door and slowly the handle turned and the door swung open. I stared at the ground, bracing myself for her reaction, "Wesley, what are you doing here?" Skye's weak and croaky voice pulled at my heart strings. I raised my eyes to look at her, not wanting to see how badly she was hurt, I gasped, it was worse than I had thought.

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