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Skye's POV 

"You'll have to keep the casts on for at least 6 weeks, maybe longer so unfortunately your summer is going to be spent mainly on the couch. And once you get them off you'll need to do some pretty hard core physical therapy. I'm not going to lie, it'll be months before you'll feel like you can move somewhat normally on your left side" the doctor was giving me a run down on what to expect during my recovery. "You won't have any scarring on your face, thankfully" he smiled at me, making me blush. "But you received some pretty deep lacerations to your rib area so you'll probably have some cool scars to show off there" he said trying to lighten the mood. I laughed, wincing at the pain from said rib area, the doctor shook his head. "You cracked three ribs so laughing and deep breathing and pressure on them of any kind will be painful for a few weeks" the doctor explained. "You'll need to tell your boyfriend to keep his hands off you for a while" he laughed at his own joke and I thought about Wesley. I couldn't wait for him to get home so I could see him and kiss him, I missed him so much. 

"Your cracked cheek will heal on its own and we're not too concerned about your dislocated shoulder," the doctor continued. "We set it back in place and the fact you won't be able to use your left arm for the next 6 or so weeks will give your shoulder time to heal. Just don't try to raise it above your head or lift anything, so you'll need help with most tasks like washing your hair and getting dressed". I smiled at the memory of Wesley helping me shower last time I had a cast on, I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping again. "You know you can't get the casts wet at all, so you'll need to cover it in plastic and tape it up" the doctor advised me, I nodded knowing the drill. "Don't put any weight on your left leg, and due to the lack of use of your left hand you'll need to use crutches instead of a wheel chair" I sighed in relief, the idea of having to navigate a wheel chair was alarming, I clearly shouldn't drive or ride anything. "We did some repair work to your liver which didn't fair too well in the impact but your scans show that everything internally is healing nicely, so you can probably go home the day after tomorrow if you agree to complete bed rest" the doctor finished and looked at me. I nodded eagerly, keen to get out of this hospital bed and back into my own. "I'll organise the release papers for then" and with that the doctor left the room. 

"It's about time" I huffed as Lincoln finally arrived back in my room just after the doctor had left. I held my hand out for my phone. I knew I was being rude and impatient but Lincoln didn't really deserve my kindness right now. He fished my phone out of his pocket, "I charged it for you" he said as he placed it in my outstretched hand. "Thanks" I grumbled as I swiped to unlock it and was surprised to see only one new text from Wesley and it was from 3 days ago. I was sort of disappointed, I had kind of expected that he would text me a few times for when I woke up. Regardless, I was eager to read his text and finally be able to tell him I was awake and that I missed him and loved him and wanted to marry him. 'I regret pushing you for an answer to my proposal' his message started and I should have known he'd blame himself for this. It was my childish behaviour that had gotten me into this mess, he was the one I needed right now to help get me through it. I kept reading, 'I shouldn't have even proposed', my heart was in my throat, he regretted proposing at all, I felt sick. 'I am sorry, you can't even begin to understand how much. I accept that this is for the best'. Tears welled in my eyes and I closed them tightly so my mom, Taylor and Lincoln wouldn't see me crying. 

This hurt way more than any of the injuries I was in this hospital for, I prayed the nurse had something she could give me to take this pain away. I waited for the anger to set in, but it never came, I just felt sadness. Wesley had broken up with me via text whilst I was in hospital and I felt no negativity towards him at all, I tried to but I couldn't. As much as I wanted to hate him for leaving me and breaking my heart, I knew he wasn't trying to hurt me. He was 19, a musician who toured a lot, with a bright future and so much ahead of him, it probably wouldn't have worked between us even if I wasn't facing months of recovery and rehab. I had broken up with him earlier in the year so he could focus on music, we had agreed to try to make it work when I was completely healthy. But I knew if Wesley stayed with me, he would be compelled to help me and then all of my problems would become his problems. I wasn't sure his reasons for regretting the proposal but ultimately, it didn't matter, us not being together was the right thing to do. The idea of spending the rest of my life without him stabbed at me, making me wince more so than the pain from my ribs. The idea of trying to get through 6 weeks of immobility without him scared me, I had relied on him so heavily when I just had my stupid arm in a cast. I knew deep down that it was better this way, and I was surprised at how quickly I had accepted this fact, but it didn't change the fact that all I wanted to do was cry about it. 

I heard the TV come on, "The boys are going to be on soon" I heard Taylor say excitedly. I assumed she meant Wesley, Drew and Keaton and that their promo tour included TV interviews. I had to tell my mom and Taylor about Wesley before he got home. "Tay, just mute it for a second" I requested and Taylor complied, looking at me waiting for my reasoning. "I have something I need to tell you both" I looked from Taylor to my mom, ignoring Linc, "I said no to Wesley" I lied. They both looked shocked and sad, and I hoped my face didn't show any traces of the overwhelming sadness I was feeling. I knew if they thought this was my idea it would be easier for them to understand. Plus I didn't want them to think badly about Wesley at all, he was doing what was best for him and he deserved to be happy. 'Not stuck with you all summer again' my inner voice pointed out, 'Or for life' it taunted and I tried to stop thinking like that. "Why Skye?" my mom sounded confused and pained, I needed to make her accept this. "I need to focus on my recovery. You heard the doctor, I have months of physical therapy ahead of me. I can't focus on that if I am worried about Wesley being on tour or wishing he would text me" I explained calmly. "I know you love Wesley mom, and so do I. It's not fair for him either, to be on tour worrying about me. We'd both just be wasting our energy and not focussing on what each of us needs to get done" I finished. I hoped she'd understand, she nodded and I was relieved when she didn't press it any further. 

"Do you want me to turn this off?" Taylor asked pointing to the TV which showed the hosts of some entertainment news program introducing the boys. "No, turn it up" I urged her, wanting to see them and hear Wesley's voice. I wasn't sure how much I'd get to hear it now and grief flooded my body. I held back the tears as I watched them on the TV, they were charming as usual, talking about their album and tour. Wesley was smiling, it wasn't THE smile, the one that made my heart pound but at least he looked happy. And knowing he was happy, made me happy and content, that although it would suck for me, he made the right decision. I rolled my eyes as they got asked if they were single, watching Wesley avoid answering this was always amusing. Like usual Drew took the lead, insisting he had trouble finding a girl and I glanced at Taylor. I wasn't really sure what was going on between those two but I had plenty of time doing nothing ahead of me to find out. "What about you Wesley?" the host asked, I held my breath, "I'm single" Wesley laughed. "Love has eluded me" he added throwing up his hands in mock defeat. Everyone's eyes snapped to look back at me, I faked a smile, "What? He is single guys" I sung, hoping to sound cheery and upbeat. The interview ended and Taylor switched off the TV. 

I exaggerated a yawn, "You tired sweet heart?" my mom asked, picking up on my not so subtle signal. I nodded, "Yea" I rubbed my eyes for added effect, "Do you mind if I go to sleep and you guys come back tomorrow?" I asked quietly. "Of course darling" my mom said kissing my forehead and straightening my blanket. "Bye Skye" Taylor chimed and waved as she pushed a silent Lincoln out the door. My mom picked up her bag and left behind Taylor, leaving me alone in my room. Finally I could just be sad, I switched off the light above my bed, leaving my room in partial darkness. Instantly tears were streaming down my face, and I felt the bandages on my face starting to get wet. It didn't take long for me to be sobbing, which only aggravated my ribs and left me a crying, painful mess, feeling sorry for myself and missing Wesley. 'Love has eluded me' Wesley's words rung in my ears as eventually my crying subsided and I drifted off to sleep.

Broken (a Wesley Stromberg fan fic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora