Love-sick | Jungwon

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I made my way to the kitchen, determined to prepare something nourishing for Jungwon. As I entered, I felt a pair of arms gently slither around my waist, causing a blush to creep onto my cheeks. Just then, a sneeze erupted from behind me, reminding me of Jungwon's illness.

"Jungwon! I told you to rest. You're sick," I scolded, turning around to face him while he maintained his firm grasp around my waist.

"Don't leave me," he pleaded, tightening his hold on me. It was no surprise to me that he became extra clingy whenever he fell ill. But I adored him, and his affectionate nature had become something I had grown accustomed to.

"I'll make some food and then come back to feed you. Just go lay down on the couch," I gently ruffled his hair, offering a reassuring smile. He nodded in agreement, sneezing once more before I guided him to the couch. Carefully, I tucked him in and draped a cozy blanket over his shivering form.

Yet, as I tried to retreat, Jungwon pulled me down beside him. "Jungwon, I'm going to come back as soon as possible," I chuckled, bending down to plant a tender kiss on his cheek.

Reluctantly, he released his grip on me and turned to the side, settling into a more comfortable position. I turned my attention back to the task at hand, gathering the necessary ingredients to create a warm and comforting soup. As I prepared the meal, I couldn't help but think about how clingy Jungwon could be when he was under the weather. Of course, I found solace in his affectionate gestures.

Once the soup was ready, I carried it over to Jungwon and took a seat beside him. "Hey, wake up, Jungwon," I gently shook him, causing his drowsy eyes to flutter open.

"Hm?" he murmured, his gaze slowly focusing on me.

"I finished," I announced, a soft smile adorning my face. Jungwon sat up, scooting closer to me, his presence warming my heart. With a spoonful of soup, I carefully approached his lips. "Open your mouth," I instructed, gently guiding the spoon toward him.

He complied, parting his lips to let out a soft "ah." A tender expression washed over his face as he savored the nourishing soup, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction.

"Do you like it?" I inquired, my eyes fixed on him.

With a nod and a satisfied swallow, Jungwon replied, "Of course, this is the best soup I've ever tasted. Thank you, my love." My smile widened with his response.

"You're welcome," I replied, continuing to feed him spoonfuls of soup. I handed him tissues whenever he needed to blow his nose. As he declined saving the rest for later, I couldn't help but tilt my head in confusion.

"I want to feed you," Jungwon's voice softened, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "You haven't eaten anything yet," he expressed his concern, getting up from the couch.

"H-Hey! What do you need? I'll get it for you," I offered, my worry evident in my voice.

"It's fine, I can get it," he reassured me, his smile unwavering. Jungwon made his way to the kitchen, retrieving another spoon before returning to my side. He sat down, ready to feed me.

"I don't want you using the same spoon as me; you'll get sick," he explained, his consideration touching my heart. I nodded, swallowing the soup he had fed me. True to his words, the soup was indeed delicious, and I savored every spoonful.

Jungwon continued to feed me, and we engaged in pleasant conversation as we shared the meal. Once we had finished eating, I stood up and made my way to the kitchen to retrieve some medicine from the cabinets. Returning to Jungwon's side, I handed him the pill.

"Thank you, y/n," he expressed his gratitude, promptly taking the pill and washing it down with water from the glass I had brought him.

Deciding to unwind and relax, I selected a movie for us to watch together. As the film played, I wrapped my arms around Jungwon, seeking solace in his presence.

"You're going to get sick, y/n," Jungwon sniffled, concerned for my well-being.

"I don't care," I replied softly, holding onto him tighter, cherishing the warmth of our embrace. Jungwon reciprocated by wrapping his arm around my shoulder, resting his head gently on mine. Before we resumed watching the movie, he placed a tender kiss on my forehead, a gesture that filled me with warmth and love.

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