Ice Prince | Sunghoon

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Y/n's heart raced with excitement as she stepped into the ice skating rink downtown. The air was filled with a gentle flurry of snowflakes, creating a magical atmosphere. Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling rink. She scanned the crowd, searching for her boyfriend, Sunghoon, who had promised to teach her a few moves today.

Spotting Sunghoon in his sleek ice-skating attire, Y/n's eyes lit up, and a smile spread across her face. She couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for him. With a mix of nervousness and anticipation, she hurriedly made her way over to him, her heart pounding.

Sunghoon noticed her approaching and greeted her with a playful grin. "Hey, y/n! Ready to glide on the ice?" he asked, extending his hand towards her.

Y/n eagerly took his hand, her fingers interlocking with his. She felt a surge of warmth and comfort as their hands connected. "Absolutely. I can't wait to learn from the best," she replied, her voice filled with admiration.

As they stepped onto the glistening ice,  Y/n's legs wobbled slightly, her heart pounding with a combination of fear and exhilaration. Sunghoon sensed her unease and steadied her with a firm grip. "Don't worry, y/n, I've got you," he whispered, his voice filled with gentle encouragement.

With Sunghoon's patient guidance, y/n gradually found her balance and began to glide across the ice. Her initial hesitance transformed into growing confidence as she followed Sunghoon's lead, mimicking his graceful movements. The snowflakes continued to fall, adding to the enchanting ambiance surrounding them.

However, in a moment of distraction, y/n lost her footing, her feet slipping out from under her. Panic surged through her, but before she could hit the cold ice, Sunghoon swiftly caught her, his arms wrapping protectively around her waist. They both burst into laughter, their joy echoing through the rink.

"You've got to watch your step. But don't worry, I won't let you fall," Sunghoon teased playfully, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Y/n's cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink, and she playfully nudged him. "Well, I'm glad you're here to catch me, Mr. Ice Prince," she teased back, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"And I'm glad to be here with you, my ice princess," Sunghoon replied, grinning, his slightly pointed canines adding to his charismatic smile.

As they continued to skate together, Y/n couldn't help but notice the admiring glances from onlookers. People approached them, asking for photos and autographs, recognizing Sunghoon's talent. Y/n felt a mix of pride and admiration as she watched Sunghoon graciously interact with his fans, his attention always returning to her.

In a quieter moment, Sunghoon skated closer to Y/n, his eyes filled with warmth. "You know, y/n, being on the ice with you feels like a dream come true. I love how you challenge yourself and embrace new experiences," he said, his voice filled with genuine affection.

Y/n's heart swelled with happiness, her gaze meeting Sunghoon's. "And I love how you guide me through it all, Sunghoon. You make even the most daunting challenges feel less scary," she replied, her voice filled with love.

As the afternoon progressed, their playful banter turned into gentle flirting, their laughter mingling with the sound of blades gliding across the ice. In between their skating sessions, they found moments to steal kisses and whispered sweet nothings to each other.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the rink, Y/n felt a sense of contentment wash over her. In Sunghoon's arms, she had found a partner who not only shared her passion for skating but also brought love and joy into her life.

With the snowflakes continuing to dance around them, Y/n and Sunghoon skated hand in hand, their love and shared dreams intertwined. Their journey on the ice was not just about skating; it was a beautiful expression of their love, a testament to the strength of their bond.

And in that winter wonderland, Y/n realized that with Sunghoon by her side, every moment, whether on or off the ice, was an adventure waiting to unfold.

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