Period Problems | Niki

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I walked into my second-period PE class, feeling the uncomfortable tightness in my lower stomach. The cramps were starting to intensify, and I applied pressure to alleviate the pain. It was the beginning of my monthly struggle, and it had hit me hard that morning.

Heading into the locker room, I quickly changed into my gym uniform and returned to join the class. We began running laps, and the physical exertion only made the cramps worse. I clenched my stomach, trying to endure the pain.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, I hurriedly made my way out, desperate to find some relief in the bathroom. But just as I was about to leave, someone stopped me in my tracks.

"What do you want, Niki?" I asked harshly, the pain in my stomach growing more intense.

Niki, with his eyebrow raised, questioned, "Hey y/n, is something the matter?"

Ignoring him, I discreetly took out my pain reliever pills and hid them in my jacket pocket.

"Are those drugs?" Niki whispered genuine concern in his voice.

"No, you dumb fuck... It's for pain," I responded, glancing around nervously to ensure no one noticed. Bringing any kind of pills to school could get me into trouble since they would be considered drugs.

With a teasing tone, Niki continued, "Which kind of pain? Mental or physical?"

Frustrated, I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, not bothering to answer his question.

But Niki wasn't ready to let it go. Jogging up to catch up with me, he exclaimed, "Wait!"

Annoyed, I turned to face him, waiting for him to speak.

"Are you on your monthly?" Niki asked, his eyes searching for confirmation.

I simply glared at him, refusing to dignify his question with a response, and resumed walking toward the bathroom.

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll stop by your house later," Niki stated matter-of-factly before walking away. I sighed deeply, grateful for the understanding he showed.

Finally entering the bathroom, I sought some solace from the relentless pain.

Time skip

Now in my last period, I wearily entered the classroom, heading toward my seat. Slumping down, I rested my head against the desk, hoping for some respite.

A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts as someone sat down next to me. "Feeling any better?" Niki asked, patting my back gently.

"Mumbled, I parted from the desk and looked at him. As expected, it was Niki, my friend and classmate.

"Good," Niki smiled, adjusting himself in the chair to get comfortable. We had been assigned seats next to each other in this class, and that's how our friendship blossomed.

During the class, Niki would occasionally ask about my favorite candies, snacks, and chocolates, trying to distract me from the monotony of the class. I would play along, answering his questions, grateful for the diversion.


Finally, home, I walked through the entrance doors, shed my school attire, and collapsed onto my bed. Exhausted, I snuggled into the comforting sheets, closing my eyes in an attempt to find some peace. Within minutes, sleep overtook me.

Time Skip

When I fluttered my eyes open, I found myself greeted by a collection of bags placed in front of me. Confusion furrowed my brows as I sat up straight, inspecting the contents of the bags. To my delight, they were filled with my favorite treats—chocolates, candies, chips, drinks, and more.

"Who would send me all this stuff?" I mumbled to myself quietly, my mind racing to find an answer. And then, it clicked.

"Niki," I chuckled softly, a warm smile spreading across my face.

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