Chapter 8: New Test

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Proving grounds, 2:00 pm:

Ryan looked up at Doctor Suchong, who was dragging him to another building. Apparently he got scared or something because of what Ryan did to that scientist. Ryan never liked scientists, but he certainly wouldn't kill one, why on earth did he do what he did? Looking at the building Ryan knew what it was. He had been there and had heard plenty of stories about it. 

The adults describe it as a grand establishment where citizens came to be educated and view splendors, but now it's been reduced to a corpse-ridden training gauntlet for the gruesome pairs that roam Rapture... whatever they meant by gruesome pairs. Every civilian in rapture was afraid to go in. With all of the gunfire, explosions, and the rumbling roars of Big Daddies that could be heard in the distance, who can blame them.

Going inside Suchong took Ryan to a huge vault door... even bigger than the ones which kept the Little Sisters safe. Opening it, Suchong pushed Ryan in before closing it. Looking inside Ryan saw a lot of Big Daddies. There were about twenty, maybe thirty of them. They all looked at him, if Ryan could read their minds he guessed they were probably thinking why was he there. "um... hello?" said Ryan, giving them a wave. As a response they all gave their famous whale call moan before going back to their business which was either walking around, sitting down on the floor, doing nothing.

 Ryan went deeper into the room, careful that he didn't bump into any Big Daddy, or worse, get stepped on by one of them. Suddenly he felt as if he was being watched... and not in the friendliest manner. Fearing for his safety Ryan looked around and saw why he had that feeling. A Bouncer was looking at him.

 This Bouncer is different, his drill was bigger than any he had seen, and his armour had some red on it. His light was bright red, pushing another Big Daddy away the Bouncer made his way to Ryan. Looking down at him the Big Daddy growled, and his drill started spinning. Ryan was scared, covering his eyes as he waited for the Big Daddy to pierced the drill into his body. Suddenly he felt his body being picked up, opening his eyes he saw it was a Big Daddy Rosie.

This Rosie was different, like the Bouncer, it had a red collar and he looked older than all the other Big Daddies in the room. He placed Ryan on his shoulders, gave a menacing growl to the Bouncer. Ryan guessed he meant something along the lines of, "You want him, you have to get through me first." The Bouncer growled back before leaving. 

"Thanks Hero... I thought he was going to make a milkshake out of me or something." Ryan said, thanking the Rosie. The Rosie moaned, he sounded happy. Smiling Ryan held onto the Big Daddy, he felt safe on his shoulders, plus he didn't want to be alone if that Bouncer came back for a second round.

Suddenly these huge doors opened, the Big Daddies formed into lines. The Bouncers with Bouncers, Rosie's with Rosie's, the Big Daddy Rosie grabbed Ryan and set him in front of him in the line. Once in a line they left the room. Stopping in a hallway the scientist looked over them, counting them, but not noticing there was one extra. One scientist did however, he gave Ryan a weird look before ignoring him. When they finished the Big Daddies left the hallway and entered another room, it was filled with rivet guns and boxes filled with rivets. The Rosie's took their rivet guns and some boxes, the Big Daddy that was with Ryan took a rivet gun and gave it to Ryan before taking his own.

Ryan stared. The rivet gun was huge! Taking it anyway Ryan stored his harvester on one of the loops on his waist and did his best to carry the large gun. His arms were quickly becoming numb, up ahead he saw the Big Daddies jumping into a huge hole. The Big daddy Rosie took Ryan and placed him on his shoulders then he jumped into the hole.

 Little Sisters didn't need to breathe underwater, thankfully, neither did Ryan. Looking around he saw the bubbles rise up way beyond the buildings of Rapture, looking around he saw the Big Daddies spread around, doing different chores. The Big Daddy Rosie walked around the sand, and Ryan enjoyed the sights. This was the first time he had been outside of Rapture. Stopping at a huge airway pipe, Rosie grabbed Ryan and set him down before working on the pipe.

Sitting in the sand Ryan saw people come and go. Looking through the nearest window into Rapture he saw a Splicer wander by. Smirking he pressed his face on the glass and made a face to taunt the splicer. The Splicer saw him, in anger he charge at Ryan... and promptly slammed himself against the glass, knocking himself out. Ryan began to laugh his head off, it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. The Splicers partner looked at his friend then began to wave his fist at Ryan angrily, Ryan mirrored his motion. Why should he be worried?

 He was out here, while they were in there, no way for the Splicers to get him. Like a spoiled brat the Splicer began to jump around screaming somethings that Ryan can't hear. Ryan just laughed more, this was fun! The Big Daddy with him looked like he was enjoying it too, as his helmet light was still green, not even a hint of yellow. He gave a warbled whale-like moan which sounded like laughing. After a few more bolts the Big Daddy took Ryan and placed him back on his shoulders before going back to the Proving grounds.

To Be Continued...

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