Chapter 29: epilogue

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A Few Years Later

Ryan got to the family house. Two days ago he managed to buy a house with his rather high-paying job. His Rapture-inspired building sketches sold like crazy. To the point he only sold them to the highest bidder. A Home, a job, now he only needed one more thing to complete the set... Knocking on the door he found himself face to face with Delta. "Hello, is Eleanor here?" asked Ryan nervously.

"I'm here. Excuse me Father." Eleanor said as she pushed him out of the way. "I brought you something." Ryan said as he held out a box, inside was a fortune cookie. "A fortune cookie." Eleanor said happily, she always loved the taste of them. She smiled and took it. "You're going to love the fortune in it." Ryan said as Eleanor broke the cookie, inside was a diamond ring.

Staring at it she looked up at him "Ryan... is this?"

Plucking it from her hand Ryan knelt down. "Eleanor, we went to hell and back. There, they tried to keep us apart, but we still found eachother. If that isn't true love, I don't know what it is. Your father might kill me for this but..." He put the ring on her finger and asked, "Eleanor Lamb, I love you and will only love you... Will you marry me?"

Eleanor began to cry. Wiping her tears she managed to say, "Yes!" Over and over, before kissing him.

Both of them suddenly heard an angelic chorus. Both of the kissing adults rolled their eyes and looked over at the group of ex-Little Sisters spying on them from the windows. "I knew it!" Miley yelled pointing at them then yelled even louder, informing the whole household "I knew Eleanor was going to marry Ryan!" Both Elanor and Ryan chuckled and shook their heads. Miley would never change.

Two Years Later

Eleanor and Ryan had both settled comfortably into their new home, but there were some Problems.

"Ryan! Look at this mess! I don't care if it is work, I want it cleaned up!" Eleanor screamed, pointing at the 'Mess', which was just a bunch of papers on top of the living room coffee table. "Don't worry Eleanor, I'll clean it up." Ryan said dutifully, trying to calm her down. Eleanor scoffed. "And another thing! Are you cheating on me with your secretary!" "But... but my secretary is a guy!" Ryan explained. All of a sudden Eleanor burst into tears. "You don't love me anymore!" "No! Eleanor I love you." Ryan said quickly. Pointing at the door Eleanor said "Get out! I don't want to see you!"

Sighing, Ryan left. Eleanor had been like this for weeks, was she sick? He bumped into Sofia, who was coming in. She looked at his haggard appearance and asked, "Ryan, are you okay?" "I think Eleanor is sick or something, I'm getting worried" Ryan answered.


"Well one minute she's happy, then she's mad, then sad. It kinda reminds me of-Mood swings?" interrupted Sofia. "yeah, you could say that." Ryan mumbled. Sophie hummed to herself "Why don't you go and have some... man time, or whatever it is you men do. I'll talk to my daughter." Ryan nodded and left. Sofia walked into the house to find Eleanor crying into the sofa. Running her hand through her hair she said "Eleanor, I need you to go with mummy somewhere." Looking up at her mother Eleanor asked, "Where?"

"You'll see." Sophie said mysteriously with a smile.


After stopping at a bookstore Sophia took Eleanor to a clinic. Then asked for a test. Which one, Eleanor didn't hear. Sitting down Sophia began to read the book she bought. Curiously Eleanor looked at the title "How to be a good grandmother" Odd, why would Sophie need that?

"Misses Andrew. Time for your ultrasound." The nurse called.

"Ultrasound? Why would I need that I'm not-" Eleanor stopped abruptly as she slowly began to realise what was going on. A few minutes later she was sitting on a table with some sort of cream spread on her belly. The nurse ran some sort of scanner over her belly before saying, "Congratulations Misses Andrew! You're going to be the proud mother of twin girls!"

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