Chapter 25: Choices

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Siren alley, Pumping station 5, Rapture: 7:00 am

The pumping station five was a station housing various pipes and machinery. All of which were used for one simple purpose, draining all of the excess water that leaked into Siren's Alley so the entire place didn't become flooded. However, hidden deep inside the mess of pipes and gears was the Temple of the Lamb, a secret church for The Rapture Family led by Simon Wales. It contained many portraits and shrines, today the temple was full.

Father whales, the preacher of the church, was giving his sermon. "For those who follow Lamb will be reborn into a better world, the peoples daughter will lead us to paradise... but those who object Lamb and her teachings will face the wrath of her General." The gathered Splicers sat quietly and listened as whales took a dramatic pause to make sure everyone was listening, they were. "A horrible creature with no mercy he will kill you with no hesitation. For Eleanor, he would do anything. To go against him is to go against the reaper himself!" He declared, turning around he ripped the giant white sheet of cloth off of the painting, unveiling the work of art. Causing many Splicers in the audience to either gasp, or start shaking in terror.

Within the painting was an armoured figure. The thin build of the figure was smaller in terms of muscle than the Big Daddies. The Harvester attached to his right arm, the long drill on his left, the oval shaped visor, and the bulkier armour set him apart from his female counterpart, proving the figure was the fabled Big Brother. He was standing with his left leg forward, knees bent. His right arm pulled back with electricity sparking off his clenched fist while his left arm was held at his side, his elbow bent, his left hand palm straight with the fingers curled into a fist, a burning red/orange fireball held clenched within them snaking out of his hand and on to his drill the grooves of the drill carrying the fire to the tip like a river. The glow of the fire was only matched by the red light from within the helmet, a small taste of the pure fury those who crossed him would face. The metal cage on his back had dozens upon dozens of bows and ribbons tied around it, showing exactly how well he protected his Sisters, them having tied one every time they were done collecting Adam for the day. The background was a simple black wall with angel wings formed out of child's hand prints that Sofia Lamb had taken as her trademark showing just who the armoured protector was loyal too.

Many of the gathered crowd shifted nervously, most had believed the Big Brother to be myth, a neo-boogeyman to scare away the competition for the Sister's precious Adam. No one had survived a fight with him long enough to give anything but a few cryptic words of warning before their injuries stole their last breath from them. Whale's nodded at them before assuring them that as long as no one went against Lamb they would never have to face the guardian of the peoples daughter. A series of rapid beeps interrupted the whale's passionate speech about the joys of joining the rapture family. Checking the panels he saw who the coming intruder was, "Well well well, look who decided to pay us a visit?" he whispered coldly.

Fontaine Futuristics, Rapture: 11:00pm

Ryan had no idea where that Big Daddy ran off to, he just hoped he wasn't getting itself into trouble. After dumping his suit on the floor next to his bed he stood at the foot of his bed and leaned forward. Letting gravity drop him onto the soft covers. Crawling a few feet towards the pillows he laid his head down on the silk covered clouds of comfort. He was exhausted. The last few days had taken a toll on his energy. Other than taking care of a few Little Sisters he also got an emergency call from Tenenbaum through a radio installed in his helmet, she was calling for help. A decent sized group of Splicers had overwhelmed her security bots and were attacking her hideout.

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