Chapter 15: Mysteries

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Upper Atrium, 9:00 am:

Ryan was having a strange dream. It was of himself. He was walking around a never ending hallway looking for something, but what? The halls were scribbled with the words, Would you kindly? There was that phrase again...what did it mean? The dream stopped when he heard a loud moan and a banging sound. Opening his eyes Ryan wondered to himself if it was really a dream. There was that moan again, He hadn't heard it in months.

Hurrying to get ready Ryan jumped off his bed, took his harvester, and crawled into the hole. Outside he was greeted by a Big Daddy Rosie. Just by one look and he knew who this Big Daddy was however. "Darren! I missed you." Ryan greeted. Darren took him out of the hidey-hole and gave him the best hug he could without hurting him.

"Darren, what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you or anything, but well..." Ryan trailed off, Darren just moaned in response and grabbed the Little Brother and set him on his shoulders before lumbering away. Ryan got the feeling Darren wanted to show him something, so he didn't ask anything further.

Smugglers Cove, 11:00am:

Reaching their destination Darren set Ryan on the floor and looked at the hidey-hole next to him.

"It's a hidey-hole... What's wrong with it?" Ryan asked, confused. Darren moaned and knocked on the hidey-hole a few times before moaning again, this time more urgently. Ryan shrugged, maybe the Little Sister was a heavy sleeper or something? "I think you're being a bit paranoid. Maybe the Sister decided to sleep in?" Ryan rationalized. 

Darren moaned again. Picking the Brother up again he escorted him to every hidey-hole in the Cove. By the last hole Ryan was getting worried. It was a coincidence if one or two Sisters decided to sleep in, but not all of them.

"Okay, I get your point but where could they have gone?" asked Ryan, Darren moaned and did what could generously be called a shrug. An idea popped into Ryan's head after a minute of thought. "Let's check the Arcadia. When it's a Sister's birthday they have a gathering there." Ryan thought aloud. Darren moaned and 'nodded' again. Climbing up the Big Daddy Ryan sat on his shoulders again as they made their way to Arcadia.

Arcadia, 12:00 am:

The first thing Ryan noticed about Arcadia was the air. It was heavier... harder to breathe even. The next thing he noticed was the grass and trees were no longer green, instead they were a sickly yellow colour. "Darren... what's going on?" Ryan whimpered a bit. His stomach churned, he had a bad feeling about this. Arcadia was silent. Dead silence. 'What's going on here?' Ryan thought, this was extremely strange... even for Rapture. They checked up and down Arcadia. Nobody was there. No splicers, no Little Sisters... nothing.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion. "What was that?" Ryan yelled. Darren's visor light switched to red and he got ready for a fight. Judging by the noise level and how far off it sounded Ryan guessed it came from the farmers market. It was a bad idea, but they followed the sound to the farmer market. Near the stall that sold honey and honey related products was a man. He was fighting off a Big Daddy Bouncer who was protecting a Little Sister, he knew that little sister anywhere, it was Rosie. The man attacking her daddy was strange to Ryan. His skin colour wasn't pale. He certainly didn't look like a splicer, he wasn't deformed, and his clothes were well kept. He defeated the Bouncer while Ryan was analysing him. Rosie collapsed and began to mourn the death of her Daddy. The man grabbed her-

Ryan couldn't watch any more, he looked away but his anger of just letting his own friend die on his watch boiled over. He ran around the corner, seeing red he launched at the man. The man noticed Ryan and tried to smack him out of the air with a wrench, but Ryan stabbed him through the arm making the man drop the wrench. The stranger grabbed Ryan and tried to do the same thing he did to Rosie, though before he could have his other hand make contact with Ryan a bang was heard, in a instant the man was missing everything above his neck, and a safe could be seen embedded into the wall to Ryan's left. The man's body fell to the ground like a sack of bricks, as soon as both the body and Ryan hit the ground the corpse vanishes, Ryan grabbed his harvester off the floor, terrified of what he saw.

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