Chapter 12: Problems and Big Trouble

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(Desteny Star) Authors note: Sorry this took so long...had a trip to go to. Oh well hope you enjoy this chapter. Remember to review when your done reading it. No reviews, no new chappy.

Andrew Ryan Industries, 10:00 Am

It wasn't the first time Ryan had been called to Andrew's office. One time he had been called there because he dumped several gallons of lemonade into Andrew Ryan's personal bathysphere. Ryan snickered, that was a great prank. The look Andrew had on, it looked like he was going to explode! Walking over he saw Andrew playing golf in his private office, as usual. 'Why is he always playing that game? Maybe, it's because it's the only game he can play and never be beaten at it or something?' Ryan thought to himself. 

He played for a minute before looking at Ryan, "What took you so long?" he demanded before setting his sights back on the game. "Sorry sir, had some trouble with Splicers on my way," Ryan lied through his gritted teeth, the tone the man was using grated on his nerves. Ryan didn't like condescension.

Andrew didn't answer for a minute or so, "Very well, come in." With that the door opened, letting Ryan in. Once inside the door swung closed behind him. Andrew walked over to him slowly, the look he was giving Ryan was scary. Without any warning he swung the putter in his hand. Ryan collapsed to the ground as he held his damaged lip. Andrew wasn't done and took a few more swings. After he was done he spoke again "What were you doing with my mistress?" "What mistress? What are you talking about?" Ryan winced, trying to catch his breath. Andrew hit him again, this time in the head. "I'm talking about Diane McClintock, my mistress," Andrew said over Ryan's pained yelp. 'She's his mistress? I don't believe it, she is way too nice for him. Even with how she looks now she's too good for him.' Ryan thought angrily. "I didn't know she was your mistress. I don't know anything. I gather Adam from 'Angels', that's it!" "Lier. I know you know something, I give you credit for being smarter than the other gatherers." Andrew said, adding to himself a second later, "I wish Suchong had mentally conditioned you like the other Sisters before he died." "Suchong's dead?" Ryan blurted out in his shock. "Don't be too surprised. It was the Big Daddy you argued with that killed him." Andrew revealed. Ryan looked shocked. Rogue did it? But, then why was he still walking around? He would be put down for something like that...

"Tell me, how do you do it?" Andrew asked, slowly circling the downed boy. "Do what?" Ryan questioned. Andrew brought the putter down again, this time on the boys shoulder. "Make Big Daddies obey you. They are mindless drones made to obey higher orders and love things like you." Ryan's blood began to boil "Liar! They love me and my Sisters, even if they weren't Big Daddies I'm sure they would love us anyway!" Ryan yelled. Andrew laughed, the boy was so naive, and innocent. "Of course you don't know you stupid boy, they are mentally altered to love you, if they were normal they wouldn't even look at you. 

Big Daddies are nothing but mindless drones." He repeated. Pausing Andrew walked over to his desk, picked up some papers, and threw them at Ryan. "Here is your proof". Ryan flinched as he felt the bone in his upper arm snap back into place as he took the papers and read them. It was about a man named Darren Waltson. He was a father of two, his wife abandoned him and left him penniless. His life just kept getting worse after that. He began to steal, and had been convicted of murder. But what did this mean? "I was surprised that you managed to guess that Elite Rosie's real name. I thought it was a coincidence... until I found out you guessed that Bouncer's nickname." Andrew said.

'No. That couldn't be, Andrew is wrong. He had to be wrong...' Ryan thought, he was starting to feel sick. Walking over to Ryan Andrew placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "There is no one in Rapture that cares for you that was not built too, even your mother didn't care for you" "what are you talking about, I was always a little brother" Ryan snapped back "she sold you for Adam like you were nothing more than a product to her" Andrew chidded. "Remember your place in Rapture and I won't have to send the Splicers after you." said Andrew. Ryan growled, grabbing his harvester off his back he suddenly stabbed upward. Andrew barely dodged it by throwing his head back as hard as he could, ending up landing in an undignified heap on the ground. Getting up in a huff Ryan stormed out of the office. Andrew stood up slowly and composed himself, he walked over to his desk and pressed a button before saying simply "Kill him."

Entrance Lobby of Andrew Ryan Industries, 10:43 am

Ryan was still upset over what Andrew told him. Before he could walk out of the factory he heard Splicer screech bounce off the walls. Raising his head from where he was looking at the ground he saw a group of Splicers coming his way. Ryan breath hitched and for a single terror filled moment he froze. His Instincts kicked in a moment later and he was sprinting towards the hidey-hole in the corner of the room. He made it most of the way there before one of the Thuggish Splicers jumped in front of him. "Gotcha now huh boyo?" He taunted. Not slowing down in the least, his adrenaline filled body allowed him to leap high enough to stab his harvester clean through the Splicers eye, into his brain, killing him instantly. Riding the body down he extracted his harvester by the time it hit the floor. 

Throwing it like a spear with practiced ease it flew into the hidey-hole's tunnel. A second later Ryan reached the bronze step, jumping as hard as he could he pulled himself into the tunnel in record time. He panicked and he felt his body lurch backwards as one of the Splicers grabbed his ankle. "There'll be no getting away for yo-*Crunch!* That was as far as he got before one of Ryan's desperate kicks caught him flat in the nose.

"Great! He's gone, nice going." One of the Splicer's, named Rose, said sarcastically "I vote you're the one going in after him." The other, toasty skinned, Splicer said "Oh no, there is no way I am going in that hole. Want me to end up like ol' pipe brain?" said Rose, the Splicer she meant had gotten stuck in the tube. A Big Daddy had come along and, well... cleared the hidey-hole tunnel. "Forget him. He's running scared now." The toasty skinned one said. "Yeah, and if he comes out alone we can just get him later." Rose nodded in agreement. "You heard us kid! If we catch you, you're dead!" Toasty yelled to no one before he and Rose began to laugh maniacally

All but falling into the empty square room inside Ryan picked up and hugged his harvester tightly to his chest. He scrambled into one of the corners, his eyes wildly darting around the small room. As the adrenaline finally left him he started sobbing.

Be Continued...

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