Chapter 21: Deeper and deeper

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Persephone, Rapture:

Daniel was looking through his paperwork, most of it was already completed and signed. Sighing, he organised the paperwork that was stacked on his desk, and set it off to the side for later. Sitting down he took out a small picture frame from his breast pocket. Most of the picture within was ripped off and burnt but the little blond haired boy and his father could easily be seen.

Daniel stroked the glass lovingly, "Don't worry Ryan, Andrew's out of the way now, soon... everything will be like before, before we came to this hell hole known as Rapture. I promise" he vowed before slipping it back into his suit pocket.

There was a click as the door opened, looking up Daniel saw a little girl. She wore a bright yellow dress, and a deep purple bow held a messy ponytail at bay atop her head. It was little Gabriela, the youngest and sweetest little sister there was, other than Eleanor that is. He often wondered why Eleanor behaved so badly, because when she talked with him she behaved like a proper lady. It was like she had a double personality or something.

Smiling at her he asked, "What is it Gabriela? Do you need something?" waddling over She nodded, replying "Do you have any crayons we can use?" she asked cutely, looking at him with her wide innocent eyes. Daniel's stoic mask melted instantly, he understood why Big Daddies would do anything to keep their little one's safe, "I am pretty sure I have some somewhere." He answered softly as he looked around for the box of crayons he had been keeping. Looking through the cabinets and boxes he had scattered around Daniel found a box of crayons. It used to be a jumbo pack, containing around one hundred different colours, but a dozen were missing now, lost to time.

"Here, they belonged to my son. Please, take good care of them." His voice was a painful whisper. As if picking up on the older man's mood the sister silently took the box and cradled it gently, giving the man's leg a hug before running out of the office. Looking at her leave through teary eyes he knew he'd made the right choice. Ryan would have wanted her to have them anyway, he was always fond of the Little Sisters.

'Ryan, please be safe until I find you.'

Eleanor's cell, Rapture:

"Daddy... Ryan." Eleanor muttered as she slept. Teary eyes snapped open a second later as she suddenly sat up. Never once has she stopped thinking about her Father and Ryan. Ryan though... Eleanor had probably thought about him a little bit more than her father... just a little. 'I never got a chance to tell him.' she thought mournfully. Sighing she got up from her bed with great difficulty, her body still asleep. Walking over she counted the jars, 'Just one more.'

"Big Sister." said a small voice, looking she saw the littlest Sister, Gabriela, "Hello Gabriela" she greeted, forcing a smile on her tired face. The small girl held a paper up, it had a drawing of a Big Daddy and a Little Sister holding hands, "That's a very nice drawing, you've gotten better since the last time you showed me your art." She complimented as she took the offered picture. "Thanks, I drew it for you." Gabriela declared with pride.

Looking at it Eleanor kneeled down to the Little Sisters level, "Can you do something for me?" she asked, her face turning serious. "Of course, what is it?" The Little Sister asked curiously.

Ryan's amusements, Rapture:

"Okay... I'll take a shortcut here, and I'll get to the Persephone in no time flat." Ryan muttered to himself, planning out his path as he walked through the broken rides and attractions. He always thought the wooden manikins were kinda creepy looking, almost as if they were watching his every move. Ryan jumped as he heard a crash behind him, Quickly turning around he thrust his right arm at the human shaped blur he saw as he spun.

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