Reality Collapse

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Far far away, in a place beyond Time & Space, in between Reality & Void.

A girl was walking in a black void covered in glowing purplish orbs.

Her straight yellow hair almost touching shoulders. Neon-yellow eyes glowing in the dark area. Height around average, appearance nearing 19.

 Height around average, appearance nearing 19

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The yellow-haired girl was speedwalking. Maybe she was trying to get to somewhere or something? No one knew except herself.


A loud noise was suddenly heard in the void where no sound was supposed to be able to travel.

"DAMN IT ZEN! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE THINGS IN THE COSMIC VOID!" the yellow-haired girl shouted towards seemingly no one.

She had fallen to the 'floor' by stepping on something. She slowly stood up, fixed her clothes, and sighed.

The girl looked behind herself just to see a small purple orb that had been pushed to the side and collided with another, slightly cracking.

A coldness crawled up her spine, she could already sense the amount of headache this little accident was gonna cause.

She rolled her eyes as she continued speedwalking. After a few moments, she arrived at a metallic-looking building. The large automatic door opened to the sides as she walked forward.

The doors closed, she pressed the top button and started waiting. Elevators weren't the fastest things...

After a sudden ding, the doors reopened in a fine lobby, it was a comfortable area with several sofas and couches. Some weird-looking drinks were placed on the tables with dough-based pastries.

She looked around the room, it was mostly empty with only a single person actually in the room while slowly drinking tea and reading a rather thick book.

The person had platinum blue hair and golden eyes. They closed the book as they saw the girl enter the room.

 They closed the book as they saw the girl enter the room

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"So, why are you here?" asked the girl with suspicion.

They shrugged.

"I was bored with paperwork, just having a tiny break." they replied. The voice was feminine with familiarity.

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