Side Story 3 - Before Reality

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A long time ago, according to Diva.

I am Divinia Celestivia. And this is, apparently my first day in this life? World? I am not sure what this place is exactly. I just found myself here... I don't remember my parents. I don't know what I did before I crashed down here. I don't know who I am.

But, I know, I must do whatever I can to survive.

There were two more people with me when I crashed down on this planet. I waved at the woman and man. They waved back. Maybe we can work together?


"And Thus, I name our colony 'Celestivity'!" I spoke out loud.

"*Sigh* Diva... No... We talked about this... You can't just name this colony after yourself..." spoke Rika. A black-haired woman.

Mufeng just nodded.

"I can and I will!" I shouted and ran out of the wooden hut.


"Aaaand done! Phew. Microelectronics complete!" spoke Mufeng in a tired voice.

"I will start constructing an orbital terminal then." I replied, heading to the storage room, now improved with marble flooring to get some resources.

I think I saw someone in the distance, probably my imagination.


"Stay back!" shouted a large man wearing bear fur.

"Woah woah woah! You stay back! I will shoot!" I shouted back towards the buff man with a bear pet, Grignr.


"You go left, I go right. Got it?" I ordered from Grignr.

"I will go straight, you will snipe from far. Got it." he replied as he dashed towards the enemy turrets.

"*Sigh* A muscle brain as always." I murmured as I started blasting.


"Thus, the empire bestows upon you the rank of Countess." spoke a man in a red robe.

"Of course. I am honored." I spoke as I wore the tiara.

"Woohooo!" shouted Rika.

Mufeng smiled.

Grignr was eating some meat at the distance.


"Your palace is majestic, Marquess Diva." complemented a nobleman who came from a distant planet ruled by the empire.

"Oh ho ho, you surely jest Duke. It is truly a blessing to have you in our humble colony." I replied.

He smiled as we continued our tour of the palace.


"Today, we celebrate our 10th year anniversary of our colony!" I shouted.

"Hahaha. Oh, how I remember how we used to eat potatoes every day. When did we achieve gourmet food?" laughed Rika.

"Hm hm." replied Mufeng.

"I am quite happy with this development." murmured Grignr.

"You guys were quite developed when we found ya." spoke Bretha, a cryo-frozen soldier we rescued as she smiled.

"Indeed dear." added Arias, a merchant and architect who joined our colony.


"You sure about this Diva?" asked Rika.

"Y-yeah. I *cough* don't think I can go further with this defective body."

"*Sigh* All alright then, well, see you after the operation. I hope this goes well, replacing all the organs in your body will be... quite difficult."

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